Chapter 22: The Main Event (Part 2)

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I step closer to Silver, knowing he was scared, despite the monster in front of us. I wasn't sure what was going to happen but I knew that this was going to be quite a battle.

Mephilis looked at the four of us and a grin spread across his face. "What a noble cause." He said. "But done in vein. Silver, you endanger her for bringing her on this venture. Did you honestly think I wouldn't seal her away after I'm finished with her like I did with your Blaze?"

Silver refused to back down. Something told him that everything was doing to be alright, he just had to hold on.

"I'm stronger than last time we met Mephilis!" Silver shouted. "This time, I'm NOT letting you take a life!"

Mephilis hissed and swung his now massive tail out toward our heroes, knocking Shadow and Knuckles out of the way. Mephilis then reached out with a claw and grabbed me.

"SILVER!" I scream as the monster lifted me.

Silver comes forward, but it knocked back with the tail and held there. Silver squirmed for freedom, but the tail held him firmly against the wall. Mephilis eyed me with a deadly stare. My arms were pinned to my sides so I couldn't strike with my sword.

"You're god has left you," Mephilis whispered. "Why else would you be in a place like this?"

"It is written," I said, almost without thinking. "The Lord will never leave me or forsake me."

Mephilis flinched ever so slightly. Had my words hurt him?

"Then why did He send you to such a dangerous place?" Mephilis asked.

This time, Silver spoke up. "Though we walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, we shall I will fear no evil,"

Mephilis hissed and bared his teeth at Silver, but Silver grinned and kept going. "For our Lord is with us! His Rod and his Staff, they comfort us!"

Mephilis suddenly roared and loosened his grip on me. I pull out my sword to find it glowing brightly, nearly as bright as Silver's helmet. I stab downward on Mephilis' arm, causing him to screech in pain. I rush to Silver's side and free him from the tail, but I had to slightly shield my eyes from the light coming off of his helmet.

"Silver, remember what Eli told us?" I asked as we faced Mephilis again.

Silver nodded. "The Protectors have a light that outshines all others, and no darkness can hide from it. You think it might be the weapons?"

I shook my head. "Your helmet says 'A lantern on my feet, and a light on my path.' The whole verse is 'Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.' It's not the weapons, it's Christ!"

No sooner had I spoken His name, the Sword flamed to life and nearly blinded both of us. Mephilis hissed and stepped back. Mephilis attacked again with his tail, but Silver's helmet brightened and the light formed a shield around us. This time, we both attacked, knowing the Lord was on our side.

Knuckles and Shadow came to and just stood there for a second, watching the battle. Then they split up, Shadow helping Silver and Knuckles helping me. Everything then became a blur of motion and sounds; I could hear Shadow's pistol firing and Silver shouting. I only caught glimpses of Knuckles attacking with his shovel claws and I could feel the swords energy coursing through me as I attacked.

I then saw Mephilis pin Silver to the ground with a claw and was crushing him! It was then I realized that Silver didn't have a weapon other than his helmet and I also remembered the dagger that Eli gave me. I pulled it out and look at Silver.

"Silver!" I shout and toss the dagger. "Catch!"

Silver, though he could feel a rib crack under Mephilis' weight, saw the dagger flying through the air. Silver caught it with his ability and it flew to his hand. Upon catching it, Silver sank it into Mephilis' claw. Another shriek from Mephilis sounded through the cavern and Mephilis reeled back, much like the spider did earlier. Then Silver got an idea. He pinched the tip of the dagger and threw it, sending it spinning through the air and it sank into the chest where Mephilis' dark heart was. Mephilis froze with his eyes wide as his body was flooded with pain.

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