Chapter 21: The Main Event {Part 1}

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Soon, Shadow was back on his feet but it was late and we needed rest. I offered to take first watch, but Sonic said he would. I couldn't sleep well that night, knowing that those horrible creatures were still out there. I worried about everyone, including Shadow. How that viper was able to subdue Shadow like that was very unnerving. Shadow seemed alright now, but he did say he still felt a little sick.

Silver and I slept leaning against a tree. Sonic built the fire to keep us warm and to ward off the menacing shadows. We ate a small meal of some fruits to satisfy our hunger.

Silver leaned against me on one side and Tails slept on the other, curling his tails over his body like a blanket. I leaned my head against the tree and closed my eyes, knowing that I needed some sleep. Silver was sleeping fitfully that night. His eyes were shut tight and he twitched. Poor guy, I wondered what he was dreaming about.

"I would think you'd be asleep by now,"

I look up and see Sonic. He had his usual smile on and it comforted me. "Kinda hard to sleep when your back is acting up."

"True," Sonic whispered.

We sank into an acquired silence fore a while before I asked what was on my mind. "Do you think Shadow will be okay?"

Sonic looked over at the slumbering Shadow. Rouge slept on his chest and held his hand like he would vanish if she let go. "He seems to be alright." Sonic said at last. "But I worry about him too. I'm praying that the vipress didn't do much damage."

"You're very different from when I first met you." I commented.

Sonic smiled. "Everyone has noticed that. I've been playing with the idea of starting a prayer group in Knothole."

"That's wonderful Sonic," I whispered so not to wake Silver and Tails. "Whose all in it?"

"Tails for sure," Sonic said. "He suggested the idea. Shadow said yes, surprisingly. Sally liked the idea, so did Antoine and Bunny. Knuckles said he'd think about it. He hasn't accepted Christ yet and wasn't as sure about the prayer group."

I look over at the slumbering Knuckles. He would be a strong Christian. I wondered why he wasn't sure about the idea of being a Christian.

"Well, try to get some sleep," Sonic said. "I'm sure we'll find Mephilis sometime tomorrow."

"Don't remind me," I said.

Sonic grinned at me and went back to his post. I watch him for a moment, my eyes drooping slightly from weariness. Sonic was so different from when Sonic X took place. He seemed stronger, able to do anything, and (if this was even possible for someone like Sonic) more patient about things.

I lean back and close my eyes, feeling Tails' and Silver's bodies rise and fall with their breathing. As sleep came over me, I wondered how my family was. I remember how my dad was about me fighting Eggman. I could only wonder what their reaction was when Silver carried me in with a bullet wound in my side. I drift off to sleep moments later.

I was shaken awake by Shadow what felt like moments after I fell asleep, his scarlet eyes gleaming through the darkness. I sit up and realize that Silver and Tails were already up. I stretch and yawn. "What time is it?" I asked.

"About seven in the morning," Shadow answered.

"It doesn't feel like it," I said, rubbing my eyes to wake myself up more.

"That's because it's always dark in this cursed Valley," Shadow said, clearly not enjoying his time here.

Shadow helps me up and I walk over to the fire, its warmth was welcoming against my cold fingers. Knuckles was looking through the food bag for some breakfast. He growled and pulled out a few biscuits and salted pork. "We had the last of the hot dogs last night. This is all we've got."

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