Chapter 4: Reunited

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'I'm sure glad I always carry a bobby pin.' I think to myself as I pick the lock to my cell in Eggman's flying base. 'I still wish I had my Lock Picking Kit though.'

I twist the pin around in the lock until suddenly it zapped me. I shout and fly back, clutching my hand. I look at it and realize it had gone completely numb. I couldn't move it. I swore under my breath and lean back in frustration. 'Looks like Eggman has learned his lesson from last time.'

"Oh, come now Emily," Eggman said as he walked by my cell. "There's no need to try and escape."

I stand and scowl at him. "Oh sure," I said in a very sarcastic tone. "I'm perfectly safe here with a mad doctor who wants to use my ability to sense chaos emeralds to conquer the world and turn me into the next biggest enemy of the world. Yeah, what was I thinking in trying to escape?"

"Your sarcasm isn't appreciated." Eggman said dryly. "Besides, all I need is that Dark Emerald that you and your friends stole from me last year. With that, you're full power will be unleashed."

Now he caught my attention. "What do you mean?"

Eggman grinned. "Have you ever the book of first Corinthians?"

In truth I have, I often read it mainly out of curiosity. But I didn't tell the Doctor this. I wanted to know what he was up to.

"In ancient times of Mobius," Eggman began. "In a time when the Echidna's were plentiful, There was an echidna who was very much like you named Terra. Terra was very close to the Master Emerald and the Chaos emeralds, to the point where she could sense the emeralds when they were close. She was also close to nature, she was able to tame the wildest of beasts in the jungles of the island. She had the same gift described in 1 Corinthians 12:10. The same gift that you have my dear."

I listen quietly; this topic usually caught my attention. I look at the doctor from the corner of my eye, showing I was listening. He smiled and continued.

"One day, her people feared her abilities with nature and the emeralds and decided to use the Master Emeralds power to subdue Terra. Terra tried to stop her tribe, knowing that corrupted hearts would awaken the dark energy in the emeralds, but their arrogance was their folly. The power of the emeralds enveloped Terra to protect her, leaving only a body for the Echidnian people."

I listen to the story, very interested in the echidnian legends. Knuckles had told some stories, but I had never heard this one before.

"Ever since, the emerald responded to none as powerfully as they did for Terra except to a Guardian. That is, until one called Mephilis was released into the world. When Mephilis gathered the emeralds, the Mater Emerald searched for someone like Terra, therefore taking Sonic, his little friends and myself into your world. Though Sonic and his friends where separated from the Emerald, they found the one who was equal to Terra. Old Knuckles had no clue that he found her, but The Master Emerald recognized her at her touch, and left its mark on her."

I suddenly remember the time when Knuckles showed me the Emerald Chamber for my birthday. When I touched the Emerald, it shocked me. I look at the wrist on my still numb hand. There was that same mark, a small crescent moon shape similar to the mark on Knuckles chest.

"That's right, my dear." Eggman said. "You now hold the key to the Emeralds, and my ticket to my Empire. Now, all I need is the Dark Emerald and use your abilities to make my empire a reality."

I back away and lean against a wall, shocked by the story. How was I going to explain this to Knuckles? He was very excited when he found out I could sense the chaos emeralds. Was I putting my friends in danger? How did this always happen and why was it usually around my talents?

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