Chapter 1: Something Unexpected

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Dear Journal.

I thought I should start a journal. Knuckles and the Chaotix invited me to stay here on Angel Island with them. How could I refuse? Angel Island has been the closest thing to home since I've been rescued from Eggman.

It has been a year since we left Earth and Emily. I hope she's doing alright and I hope she's healed from that wound. Espio had said she was healing faster than he had first expected, so I'm pretty sure she's alright.

I know this entry was kinda short, but I'm tired and I start helping out around the island tomorrow. We'll see how it goes.

Silver put away his journal and lay back in his platform bed that was more like a narrow loft in the bedroom, Silver liked it, he felt more secure in there. Knuckles and the Chaotix had built an upstairs bedroom for him so he was a permanent resident of the island. His new room consisted of a tall dresser, a bookshelf filled with books he borrowed from Knuckles, a desk and a latter leading to his elevated bed. There was a trap door in a corner of the room where he entered and left the room.

Silver sighed as he looked out his window at the stars. It was somewhat lonely on the island nowadays. Sonic, Tails, Amy and Cream had gone back to Knothole to help the Freedom Fighters get through winter and Rouge and Shadow had gone back to G.U.N Headquarters. All who were left was Knuckles, Vector, Espio, Charmy and Silver.

Knuckles had moved the island south to warmer climates so the vegetation wouldn't wither and so the island residents didn't freeze. Silver had never seen snow before, he hoped he would get a chance to see it.

Silver turned over and turned out his bedside light. He lay in the dark with his blankets covering him as far as his hips. He closed his eyes as he slipped one hand under his pillow and the other rested on top half hiding his face. As he drifted off, his mind wandered back to Earth, the first morning he spent in Emily's living room, playing the Wii with Sonic, Tails, Amy and Cream. Within minutes, Silver was sound asleep.

I was out riding my horse, Izzy. It was fall again; the sun was shining brightly with a crisp feeling in the air as Izzy and I got ready for a ride. I liked to ride bareback; the feeling of Izzy moving beneath me was an amazing feeling. Izzy and I rode through field after field, enjoying the warm sunlight. It was August, my favorite month. When days where warm and the same temperature as the night.

By the time I got back to my friends barn, the day was starting to get hot. I had already cleaned the stalls so all I had to do was unsaddle Izzy and go home. I dismount and think of Sonic and the others. It was hard to believe it was only two months since they left. I wished they were still here so I could show them how to ride Izzy, I knew Silver or Shadow would have liked that. I wondered how they were doing. Thinking of Silver reminded me of the wound I got protecting him. It still hurt at times, but at least I could still ride. My parents and siblings were the only ones who knew about my gunshot wound, because I never told anyone about my adventure with Sonic and the gang.

"Hey, how did she do?" Asked my friends' mom, Beth, pulling me back to my duties.

I look at her and smile. "She did great. I even got her up to a lope today."

"Well good," Beth said. "Now I got things here, you head home."

"You sure?" I asked.

"Darn sure," Beth replied. "Your dad told me you were working on getting into an art collage. Now go get that portfolio done."

"Yes, ma'am." I said, grabbing my favorite shoes from the tack room and walked to the labarum. "Later, Beth!"

"Later!" Beth called from the barn.

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