Chapter 6: Marks

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I woke early day, unable to relax anymore. I go to turn on my music, but I had forgotten that I left it with Tails and Rotor. Instead, I get up, dress, put on my shoes and go out for trip around the island.

I took a breath of the fresh, thick air; remembering the last time I was here. I started off just gliding along over the grass and slowly started to go faster. I didn't get to use my shoes much at home since no one had them and it would raise questions on where I got them. It felt good to feel the speed again, but I wished I were racing Sonic.

Soon I started challenging myself. I launched myself over logs, glided between close rocks, and slid under roots. I even leaped up onto a vine and swung over a small gorge.

This was giving me time to think. Why was I having those dreams again? And how was I going to tell my friends about what Eggman was planning to use my abilities for? The biggest question was simple; was I placing my friends in danger?

I slowed to a stop and found myself right at the entrance for the Emerald Chamber. I remembered that Eggman told me that I could use the emeralds just like Shadow or Knuckles. I back away from the cliff face and start back for the village.

I entered the village just as Shadow came out of his house. He limped a little, but he seemed to be back to his old self. I was really glad to see he was alright. I skated up to him and deactivate my shoes. "Good morning, Shadow." I said.

Shadow's features softened slightly when he saw me. "Morning," He replied. "You alright?"

I nod. "Eggman didn't do anything to me after he caught me, other than electrifying the lock so I couldn't pick the lock. But are you alright? I mean, you were shot."

"So were you," Shadow replied. "But I'm fine, thanks to Sonic, Knuckles, Espio and Silver."

I chuckle. "Silver did grow up a bit since I last saw him. Both him and Tails. They're taller and their voices are a bit deeper."

"Well, it has been a year for us, Emily." Shadow replied. "But yes, they have grown."

Just then Knuckles came out of his hut and saw me chatting with Shadow. "There you are," He said. "Come on, we have breakfast ready."

"Coming Knuckles!" I called back. "Care to join us Shadow?"

Shadow nodded and fallowed me into the echidna's hut. On the table was a spread of fruits of all kinds along with eggs and glasses of juice. Silver was just sitting down as Shadow and I came in. "Hey," He said. "Where did you go to?"

"Out for a run," I answered. "I never get to use my shoes at home and I missed using them."

"Oh, no," Knuckles said. "She's becoming a second Sonic."

"Hey!" I said and give Knuckles a mock scowl. "I just want to beat him next time I race him."

"You beat him the last time you two raced." Silver pointed out. "Remember? It was at your second birthday party."

"How could I forget?" I asked with a light chuckle as I eat some of the fruit. "What started that race was when I said I didn't like chilidogs."

"So that's why he left in such a hurry." Knuckles said starting to laugh.

I laughed. The look on Sonic's face was priceless when he stood beside me seconds after he hung up on me. "That's why," I reply.

We all laugh, except Shadow who allowing a small smile that was barely noticeable.

Though I tried not to show it, the events of yesterday still bothered me. The last thing I wanted was to put my friends in danger.

Silver glanced over at Emily. She was deep in thought for only a second before talking to Shadow. Silver immediately knew there was something wrong. Emily only got that look when she was worried. His thoughts turned to his weird dreams last night, and also about his double. Knuckles said when he used his powers they were almost purple. The only person whose powers were almost purple was Mephilis, but Silver had encased him in that eighth emerald, which was locked away in a cave that only Knuckles knew. Then again, Shadow never really talked about what happened while he was fighting Fake Silver. Silver wondered what happened during that battle.

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