Chapter 23: Heroes Return

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Silver lay peacefully in his bed, the warmth of the blankets covering his body holding him captive to sleep. He drifted in and out of consciousness, unable to fully wake up due to the great lack of energy he had, but he could listen. He wasn't exactly sure where he was, but he knew that he was hurt, tired and safe.

Soon, a warm sensation tickles Silver's nose. He twitched it, hoping the tickling would stop, but it only made it worse to the point where he sneezed. Pain erupted from his left side, causing him to bare his teeth and groan slightly.

"Silv?" Came the gruff voice of Knuckles. The echidna gripped Silver's hand as the pain slowly subsided. "On a scale of one to ten, how bad dose it hurt? Ten being the worst."

"About eight." Silver replied through his teeth. "How bad am I hurt?"

"A few cracked ribs and one broken." Knuckles replied. "Of course the horse ride didn't help any."

Silver groaned again, but the pain was easing away again. He slowly relaxed again and took his hand off of the bandages. Silver then looked around to figure out where he was. To his surprise, it was Eli's home and he was sleeping on the couch as he was before.

"W-was that whole trip into the Valley just a dream?" He asked. "I remember fighting Mephilis, and him stepping me and me stabbing him with a dagger, but everything else is a haze."

"I wish that was a dream, kid." Knuckles said. "The reason why your memory is out of whack is because you passed out after you threw the dagger at Mephilis. Nice aim by the way."

"What time is it?" Silver asked trying to sit up.

"Late morning," Eli replied walking in with another cup. "Again, Silver, you have to rest in order for your body to heal properly."

"Eli," Silver said, turning his head to look at the one-eyed hedgehog. "What happened? How did we get out of there?"

"By the Lords hand, boy." Eli replied. "He came to me when I was half way home and told me his plans for that valley and told me to get you guys out of there. Thankfully, Bunny and Antoine kept the horses saddled while they were waiting for you."

Silver slowly sat up and rubbed his head, careful not to further hurt his ribs. He looked around at the living room. There were a few extra cots with tossed blankets and winkled pillows. Only one cot was still occupied by Emily. She was still worn out from the fight with Mephilis, and she was having some difficulty recovering her strength. Shadow was nowhere in sight at the moment, but Siler knew that he'd show up sooner or later.

Eli handed the cup to Silver, who drank it slowly.

"How did we get out of there?" Silver asked, handing the cup back to Eli.

"The Lords hand." Eli explained and retold the story to the Valley and warned Bunny and Antoine of how he got .

Silver listened intently. His young face curled into a smile as Knuckles told him about how Mephilis was locked away in the dagger and how the Valley was destroyed.

"The only thing left," Knuckles said. "Is going home."

Silver sighed at the sound of home. "I like the sound of that."

"So do I kid," Knuckles said, putting a hand on Silver's shoulder.

I had been lightly dozing through this conversation and finally opened my eyes. Silver woke me up when he first tried to sit up. I almost laughed when Eli scolded him. I smile over at the three Mobians. None of them where looking at me so I snuggle the pillow under my chin.

"I agree, Knux," I said, making the three of them look at me. "I can't wait to get back to the island."

"Em!" Silver said, turning to see me better, but his ribs caught. "Are you-Oh!"

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