Chapter 12: Temple in Ironlock

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The rest of our journey to Ironlock was uneventful and almost boring. We had picked up the pace and were trotting more. I had to bring Izzy up to a lope to keep up with the larger horses, but this just made me glad I conditioned Izzy before I got to Mobius.

Sonic, Shadow and Knuckles seemed to be doing alright with trotting, Sally was riding very professionally on Clair, as well as Bunny. Poor Antoine, Silver and Tails were having a hard time though. The bouncy gate made it harder to handle and Tails had resorted to holding the saddle.

That night we had finally made it to the next bay; and I was very surprised that no one was sore. They took the hard riding very well, but I think Sonic still enjoyed running because he ran off somewhere saying he needed to stretch his legs.

I practiced my combat skills with Knuckles and Bunny. I had to admit I was getting better. I was able to think on my feet faster and block and dodge harder attacks. Silver mainly worked with Bunny, but we also worked as a team when working with both Knuckles and Bunny.

The next day was more interesting. We made it to the ferry that would take us to Ironlock. It was large enough to fit all of the horses and us. We all dismounted and lead the horses on board. That is, all but Sonic, who stayed on Ol' Blue and looked at the water warily.

I on the other hand was loving the ride. I leaned against the railing and watched the far shore slowly grown nearer and listened to the water lap against the wood.

I look up at Sonic, who still seemed tense. "Sonic, the water isn't going to leap up and drag you under." I tell him.

He looks at me and lifts an eyebrow. He then dismounts Ol' Blue and comes to stand by me. I sat down and dangled my legs into the water, I had already taken my shoes off and the water was cool and refreshing.

"What do you think the Temple is like?" I asked.

Sonic shrugged. "Every Temple is different. But knowing that it's an Echidnian Temple, I can expect plenty of booby traps."

"Hmm," I reply, not sure how else to answer.

My mind turns to my family and my time in Indiana. There was a cave in front of my cousins house and I was the first to enter it and lead the way for my other cousins. Of course, my mom freaked out when I told her that evening what I did. I loved exploring caves, mostly because it felt like I was in an Indiana Jones Movie.

"You're not nervous about it are you?" Sonic asked.

"Of course not!" I reply. "I was always exploring caves in Indiana. I can't wait to get to the Temple!"

We landed about an hour later on the shores of Ironlock. This place reminded me so much of Indiana I half expected to see a field or corn somewhere.

We mounted the horses again and Knuckles again took the lead, using a chaos emerald to lead the way. Soon, we were passing an abandoned village. There were stone huts everywhere, a fire pit, everything a village needed building wise.

I look up at Knuckles. He seemed to be looking around a little, but there was pain in his eyes. I couldn't help but wonder if Knuckles really was the last Echidna in Mobius. Carlos' words came back to me. "Ironlock was abandoned when The Echidnian Race ended."

I rode up beside Knuckles and look up at him. "You doing okay?"

"I'm fine," He said. "Lets just find that Temple."

We all rode in silence for a while until Rouge was spotted up ahead. She smiled flirtatiously at us before she spoke. "I just spotted the Temple up ahead." She reported. "It's not too far either."

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