Chapter 8: Training... And Trouble

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Next day, Silver and I woke early and ate quick breakfast, eager to start training. I crunched on an apple and look at Silver as he buried himself in a book and ate an orange.

"What are you reading?" I ask.

"I was hoping to learn more about what the Protectors can do," Silver answered. "This is in Old Mobian, but Knuckles showed me how to translate it."

I sit next to him and look at the book. The words were alien to me and it amazed me that Silver could read it. Silver looked frustrated as he flipped through the book. "So far there's not much."

As he continues to flip through the pages, a picture caught my eye. "Wait, go back a couple."

Silver dose and finds a list of talents for a Guardian. "Good eye Em." Silver said as he started translating, falling silent for a while, moving his lips as he read. Soon his face dropped in disappointment. "All that's here is stuff we already know," He said.

"I guess that means we just go along with what comes." I reply.

"Looks like you two are ready for today," Knuckles said, making us jump.

I smile at the echidna. "We sure are, what's first?"

Knuckles smiled slyly. "I just got a call from everyone down there saying that Antoine and Bunny would like to train you two as well. Antoine will be training you two first."

I held back a chuckle. "What exactly will Antoine be teaching us?"

"Ze art of Fenzing," Antoine said, giving Silver and me thin sabers.

I look at the sword in my hand, then up at Antoine. "No offense Antoine, but isn't fencing more for showing off fancy footwork? When I last saw people fencing, they looked like a couple of people dancing."

"Fenzing," Antoine said, standing more erect like he was in an army. "Iz not about fanzy foot werk. It iz an art of movement and honor. Now, Emily, I vwill start wiz you."

I step forward and get into a stance, placing one foot behind me and taking the hilt with both hands. I knew a little about fencing, but I liked broad swords over sabers.

"No, no, no," Antoine said, stepping forward. "A saber iz light weight, zo only a zingle hand iz needed," He took my left hand and guided it back behind me. "Hold it back here. It vwill help you keep your balance."

I nod and test the weight of the saber. It was well balanced and I could shift it easily in my fingers.

"And az for your stanze," Antoine continued. "Zey should make an 'L' shape, or ze numbare un."

"Un?" I ask. Seconds later I understood. "Oh, one, got it."

"Ozare wise, you vwill be very much off balance," Antoine said, returning to where he was first standing.

Antoine gave me a testing lunge. I parry it, testing what I could do with only one hand. I watched Antoine's form closely, like I used to do for drawing, and tried to copy his stance and movement.

Silver also watched with interest. He wasn't a fan of using weapons, but he would if he needed to.

This time I offer a testing lunge. Antoine parried, driving my blade to the side as he slipped passed me. Out of instinct, I kick my foot out and trip Antoine so he fell to his back. I wasted no time in coming over and cornered him. I blink at him for a moment, surprised at my movements.

Antoine smiled and nodded. "Zat vwas not bad for a beginier." He said. "I yield,"

I lower my blade and help the coyote up. I then smile at Silver. "Your turn," I said. "It's surprisingly fun,"

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