Chapter 3: "Here we go again..."

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I woke the next day quite refreshed. I sit up and stretched, feeling like I've lived in GUN Headquarters all my life. I Get up and test my legs. They were as strong as they were back home.

"I almost wish we had GUN's tech back home." I said out loud. "That tube they put me in really helped."

I look around at my room. I was given new jeans and a long sleeved shirt. The shirt was a grayish shirt with black sleeves, and was actually very comfortable. My jet shoes were cleaned and fixed and were back to working order. Tails however made my touch and by technology that GUN wasn't familiar with, so though I could still listen to my music, was unable to access my maps or my comlink.

I had just slipped my shoes on when I heard a tap on my door. I open it to see Shadow. I smile warmly at him. "Morning Shadow."

"Morning." Shadow said. "Looks like you're feeling better."

"Much better." I reply. "I'm not a fan of bed rest."

"I came to see if you're hungry." Shadow offered. "The mess hall is open."

"I think I could go for some breakfast." I answer coming out of my room. "What do you eat here?"

"Our foods are pretty much the same as in your world," Shadow replied as we walk down the halls to the mess hall. "You never answered Rouge yesterday. What have you been doing while we were gone?"

I smile at Shadow. I didn't remember him to be talking so much. Rouge was right, he was glad I was there though he didn't show it. "Well, I got my drivers license so I could legally drive the labarum, and I was looking into an art collage. Thought I might as well but my artsy self to work. What about you?"

Shadow glanced at me, then faced forward again. "We've been tracking Eggman for over a year. It's like he fell off the face of Mobius. No one had heard of him and it's making me nervous."

"I'm not worried." I tell him. "You and Sonic always defeat him when he tries something. Besides, if I worry about it, I blind myself to the beautiful things in life."

Shadow sighed and shook his head. I look at him and raise an eyebrow. "What?"

"Nothing." Shadow said, ending the conversation.

We passed the other GUN Agents, all of them looking at me like I didn't belong there. This made me feel uncomfortable. I withdrew into my shell, and didn't meet the other agents in the eye.

Finally, we were in the mess hall. There were plenty of human agents and only a handful of Mobians. One would think it would be the other way around. I got a small breakfast of a bagel with cream cheese and grey earl tea. A simple breakfast but I was never a big eater.

Shadow and I sat down and I saw that Shadow had gotten almost the same thing only he had coffee. I bite into my bagel and look around. The mess hall was very bland. White walls and grey flooring. I finished my bagel and used my tea to wash it down.

"I didn't know you drank tea." Shadow said.

"Not often," I reply. "But it's a great way to wake up in the morning for someone who's not a fan of coffee. Like my dad."

Shadow caught the hint of sadness in my voice and looked up from his breakfast. "Did something happen?"

I shook my head. "Nothing happened. Things are just difficult right now for my family. Insurance is becoming a pain and my dad's medication is getting too expensive. I now have a job at an Equestrian center. Things are just tough. Hehe, I guess God thought I needed a vacation or something and sent me here."

Shadow was clearly shocked that I could still joke around even with the sorrows of life. Seeing this I smile. "The darker the night, there's an equally bright morning. If I mope around, what good dose that do? If I stay cheerful, it lifts everyone's mood. So I always look at the bright side of things."

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