Chapter 9: Miracles Happen

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Knuckles carried Silver back to the Village as quickly as he could. Once there, he got Espio and led the chameleon to our room, where Silver took my bed it being the easiest to get to.

Silver's eyes where squeezed shut. He was sweating and shivering. He clutched his covers and his teeth while his breathing was still raspy and shallow.

Espio quickly got what herbs he would need and worked on Silver. I hovered over Espio, not wanting to leave Silver yet and wanting to know was used to help him.

"Em," Knuckles called from downstairs. He came up and offered a somewhat comforting smile. "He'll be alright, he's in good hands."

I shiver slightly, still shocked that this happened, but I fallow Knuckles. I sat on his couch and hugged my knees, memories of Silver going through my mind; one was when we were escaping Eggman's base after saving my parents. We were such a team when we fought back those robots. I also remembered taking that bullet for Silver. My hand moved to the scar as tears began to fall.

Knuckles sat down beside me and offered a mug of tea. I look at Knuckles, almost hesitant to take it. "Shadow told me you like tea." Knuckles said.

I sigh and take the mug. The tea was clearly made from fresh mint leaves from the crisp, fresh smell. I take a drink, but then just stare at the tea. "We promised we would look after each other," I told Knuckles. "Why couldn't…. I should have…"

"Em," Knuckles said. "Silver will be fine, you'll see."

I bite my lower lip and put my mug down. "Mephilis got the Dark Emerald." I said, trying to sound calm. "He'll be harder to defeat now."

"Not impossible though," Knuckles said. "While I was waiting for you and Silver, I found a carving on the wall of one of the tunnels. I'll have to show both you and Silver when he's well."

Knuckles confidence that Silver would get better lifted my spirits a little, but it pained me that I couldn't protect him this time. I lift my wrist and look at my mark. "How long do we have until Mephilis pulls himself together?"

"Until the summer solstice." Knuckles said. "The chaos energy is always strongest that night for some reason."

A soft nock came at the door. Knuckles got up and opened it to see Sonic, Sally, Bunny, Antoine, Shadow and Rouge. Everyone else stayed in Knothole to hold down the fort.

"We got your message," Sonic said. "How is he?"

"We'll know as soon as Espio comes down." Knuckles said, inviting everyone in.

I get up and greet them, but Sonic can see I was breaking apart inside. He came forward and offered a comforting smile. I smile back but it fades quickly. I couldn't smile, not with what Mephilis had done to Silver.

Rouge came forward and gave me her famous Vega smile. "Don't you worry, honey, Silver will be back to his old self in no time." She said. "You can count on that,"

That brings a smile back for a moment. Suddenly, I heard Espio coming down. He seemed spent from working so hard. He looked at us with an expressionless face. "I did the best I could." He said finally. "He has to do the rest on his own."

"What's wrong with him?" Sally asked.

"Hard to say," Espio said. "I at least got him stable so he could fight what Mephilis did to him. We'll know soon enough."

I hug my arms, my skin feeling cool under my palms. "Can I see him?"

Espio nodded and stepped away from the stairs leading to the extra room. I go up and look at Silver as he lay in my bed. He was still sweating slightly and his face had twisted itself into a scowl. He still clutched the blankets, but his breathing had deepened. I walk over and take his hand. Silver flinched but remained in his coma-like state.

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