Chapter 10: A Quest Begins...

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Silver slowly regained his strength and we were soon back to training, but Silver still had to rest sometimes. He still worked to do his best and only rested when his limbs started to ache.

I soon started wrapping my wrists for extra support, seeing I could fight better with them wrapped. I also kept tabs on my sixth sense, checking for unwanted company. I haven't sensed Mephilis' presence since the day he hurt Silver, but that didn't put me at ease. He was out there and causing trouble, that was enough to have me always on my guard.

Finally, Silver was strong enough to go back to the Chamber. On our way, I kept a hand on my saber and my emerald in my other hand. Silver saw this and allowed his calming blue mist to settle over my body. I look at him, happy he was up and walking again.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Just uneasy." I reply. "Mephilis caught me off guard last time. I don't want that to happen a second time."

"I doubt he's there again, Em." Silver said. "All he wanted was the Dark Emerald."

"He also wants you dead, Silver." I said. "I just wish I knew how to defeat him. He was so strong he slipped out of your grip."

Silver shivered.

"Well, hopefully what I've found will help you guys." Knuckles said, opening the door to the Chamber.

We follow Knuckles. Silver was making himself glow like he did last time we came down here mainly to calm my nerves. Though Silver eased my tension, I was still on high alert for Mephilis.

Instead of taking us to the Emerald Chamber, Knuckles lead us down a different tunnel, pulling off one of the luminescent crystals off the wall as he went and asked us to do the same. Silver and I carry the crystals as we follow the echidna down passages that we never knew were here. Then again, Silver and I weren't allowed to explore these tunnels unless Knuckles was with us.

Finally, Knuckles stopped and pointed at the wall. Silver and I look, and there were echidnian carvings all over the tunnel walls. Pictures of a civilization with children and adults going about their daily business. Silver gently touched the pictures in amazement. In his time, there were no echidna's, but there were legends about them. He had once tried to find traces of them, but Iblis' flames had destroyed all evidence of their existence. Now he praised God that he was allowed to know Knuckles. Then something caught his eye. He held his crystal up to the wall and nearly dropped it in surprise. "Em, look at this."

I turn away from a picture of the Emerald Temple and look at what Silver found. It was a picture of a white being and a rather tall being, each with the mark of the Protector on their wrists. The tall being had flowing auburn hair and the white one's hands were glowing blue.

"Knuckles," I said. He had been watching us explore the tunnel quietly this whole time. "Is… is this us?"

Knuckles came forward and smiled. "That's what I wondered when I first saw this carving." He said. "But look further down. Down there is what really caught my eye."

Silver and I walk down a ways to see the figures echidnian weapons. The figure that looked like me had a double-edged great sword, while the one that looked like Silver had a helmet. Further down, there was our look-alikes fighting with… I had to hold my crystal up higher to make sure… yup, Mephilis. But he looked more horrifying than before. I step back a ways from the sight of the carving.

Silver was still interested in the weapons the characters had. He then pulled out the bible I gave him and flipped to Ephesians. "Em, I think I know what those weapons are."

I come forward and look over Silver's shoulder with Knuckles. "The Sword of the Spirit and the Helmet of Salvation?" I ask. "Their pieces of the Armor of God. I thought they were just used symbolic."

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