Chapter 15: A Quick Rest

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Silver and I were taken back down stairs to rest. Silver was already asleep; the healing took more out of him than it did me. We lay on the couches since there were no others beds. Storm had taken every one else out to see the village we stumbled into last night.

I had soon drifted off to sleep. In my dreams, Silver was in a gleaming helmet and I was wearing my sword on my belt. We were standing in front of a large cave. Beside us were our friends and Knuckles was in armor as well, only he carried a few more modern weapons.

Silver and I look at each other. He was worried and scared. I take a breath and smile at Silver. "God got us this far," I told him. "He'll get us through it."

Silver nodded, his helmet making him look fiercer than he actually was. We look back at the cave, and venture into the vast darkness.

I woke here and realized I had gripped my swords hilt in my sleep. I sat up and looked around. Silver was still sleeping on the couch and it was now in the early afternoon, judging by the shadows. No one had come back yet except for Storm, who was looking at me with those bright blue eyes.

"Hello again," He said. "Good to see you awake."

"Good to be awake," I yawned. "Where is everyone?"

"Still in town getting ready for Resurrection Day tomorrow." Storm explained. "The lantern lift is tonight, so mom took everyone to get some lanterns to decorate."

"Resurrection Day?" I asked. "You mean Easter?"

Storm cocked his head. "Never heard it called Easter before, but it's when we celebrate the day Christ conquers the grave."

I smile and sit up with a stretch. "If the Lantern Lift is tonight, what happens tomorrow?"

Someone knocks on a random door early in the morning and tells the one who opens the door 'He's Risen.'" Storm explained. "The knocker then walks away and the one who answered the door is to run through the town shouting He's Risen. Then the whole town gets up and celebrates with dancing and music. After that, everyone in town makes something and we all eat together."

"Wow, sounds like Resurrection Day is a big day for everyone."

I look up and see Knuckles is walking down the stairs. He was still bandaged, but his violet eyes were bright and he looked as strong as before Eggman's attack.

"Hey, Knux! How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Better," Knuckles answered, sitting down next to me. "But how are you and Silver?"

"I'm doing alright," I reply. "But I think Silver overdid it."

"Yeah, I saw a teal aura coming off of him and surrounding you," Storm said. "What was that all about?"

"I thought that's what was going on," I said. "Silver keeps the chaos energy from hurting me while I use it. It wears him out though, that probably why he's still asleep. How's Sonic?"

"He's awake but he says he's pretty sore still from that fight." Knuckles said. "I think we can be back on the road soon though. That was a good idea using Chaos Heal like that,"

"I felt like we were pressed for time," I answered shyly.

"Can you guys stay for Resurrection Day?" Storm asked.

Knuckles looked at the boy and realized that he was completely ignoring him! Knuckles smiled at him. "Well, Sonic and still need to recover a little bit, I think we can have a short rest. I'm Knuckles by the way."

"Storm," Storm answered, shacking Knuckles hand. "And it's an honor to meet you Sir. It's not everyday the Guardian of Angel Island comes to stay in my house."

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