The Fallout

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(6 months after the events that took place on Lian Yu)


(Your at home doing homework when Oliver comes through the door)

Y/n: Hey, Dad. Did you stop that missile?

Oliver: Yeah, we did. I got you some dinner on the way back.

(He gives you a bag of Big Belly Burger)

Y/n: You know me so well.

Oliver: Yep.

Y/n: Any plans for tomorrow?

Oliver: I have to with the police graduation. But I'm free this weekend. I can gets us tickets to hockey or basketball game.

Y/n: Basketball sounds fun.

Oliver: I'll get us tickets. Good night.

Y/n: Good night.

(Next day)


(You walk through the door and your greeted by an old "friend")

Cole: Hey Parker!

Y/n:(mind) We've been in school for about a month, and now he decides to mess with me?

Y/n: Morning Cole.

Cole: Parker, I need some help with my chemistry paper. What do you say?

Y/n: I don't have chemistry this semester. Sorry.

(You walk off but Cole grabs your arm)

Cole: I know you had it last year. Now your going to help me out.

Y/n: I wouldn't do that if I where you.

Cole: Why? Your not going to do anything.

Y/n: No. but I bet she will.

Cole: What-

(Cole gets thrown against the locker's)

Cole: H-how?

(Cole looks up to see-)

Artora: What did I tell you about messing with Y/n?

Cole: Leave him alone...

Artora: Then why the hell are you messing with him!?

Cole: Um... I'm not. Just asking for help with my chemistry paper. That's all.

Artora: Solve your own damn problems!

(Artora picks Cole up by the neck)

Y/n:(mind) Now for the scare tactic. Or as she likes to call it; "Calmly and politely telling someone to leave".

Artora: If I see you bothering Y/n again, I will personally introduce you to the football goal! Then the 2 of you can get well acquainted! Do you understand me!?

Cole: Yes, just let me go!

(Artora drops him and Cole run's away)

Y/n: You really good at that. It's a little scary.

Artora: My Mom always told me, "If you want an interrogation to go right, then you wait and slowly break them or you get straight to the point with torture".

Y/n:(mind) Who the hell tell's their child something like that?!

Artora: Come on, we need to get to class.

(Artora takes your hand and drags you to class)

Y/n:(mind) This is my life now.

(After school)

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