Save Star City Part 1

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(You're swinging around the City when you land on a rooftop)

Spiderman:(mind) Few more days and School starts again, but on the bright side, Artora will be back.

(As you're looking around a speeding car catches your attention)

Spiderman:(sighs) Some things never change.

(You jump off the roof and swing to the speeding car. You land of the roof of the car and knock on the window)

Spiderman: Excuse me! Pull over and I won't have to throw you out of the car!

???: I-I can't! My car won't stop!

Spiderman: Oh. It's a rescue mission. Don't worry, I stoped a train a couple of days ago, I'm pretty sure I can stop this car.

???: For the love of God! Save me!

Spiderman: Geez. Some people can't take a joke.

(You jump to the front of the car, sticking your feet to it and you web the road; slowing down the car to a stop)

Spiderman: Mission Accomplished!

(The man gets out of his car and you jump next to him)

Spiderman: Are you ok?

???: Do I look "ok" to you?

Spiderman: I'll take that as a yes. Have a nice day.

(You swing away)

Spiderman: People can be so ungrateful.

(Your Spider-Sense goes off and you see a plane fall from the sky; crash landing)

Spiderman:(mind) That's not good.

(You get a call from your Dad)

Spiderman: Hello?

Oliver:(phone) Y/n, where are you?

Spiderman: I went out for a walk. Why? Does it have to do something with that plane falling from the sky?

Oliver:(phone) You saw that?

Spiderman: Yeah, how could I not see it?

Oliver:(phone) That doesn't matter. Cayden James has hacked the entire city. I need you to go to the bunker. That's the safest place for you to be right now.

Spiderman: What about you?

Oliver:(phone) Me and Diggle have a few leads to track down. Felicity and Thea are already in the bunker. You'll be safe with them.

Spiderman: Shouldn't Thea be with you, instead of waiting in the bunker?

Oliver:(phone) She's staying at the bunker just in case things go wrong, she's our backup. Are you close to the bunker?

Spiderman: Yeah, I'm close.

Oliver:(phone) Good, I'll see you soon.

(Oliver hangs up)

Spiderman:(mind) Let's explore my options. If I go help Dad as Spiderman, Thea and Mom will get worried about me. God help me if I have to deal with the both of them, I can handle 1 of them, but 2... I would rather fight the Lizard again. But on the other hand... if I say at the bunker, Thea and Mom won't be so worried to the point where they'll hunt me down and I'll be able to listen in on any useful information and then I can make my move when the time is right. I'll pick option 2. I'm a criminal mastermind.

(You swing to the bunker, get dressed and then you enter the bunker)

Y/n: I am here.

Thea: Perfect. That's everyone.

To Be Amazing (Arrowverse x Spiderman male reader) Where stories live. Discover now