Save Star City Part 2

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(Your swinging around Star City when you hear someone cry out for help coming from an alleyway)

???: Someone, help!!!

(You land and you see someone wearing a cloak with a hood over their head)

Spiderman: Umm... Excuse me, are you ok?

(The person turns around and you see Laurel Lance)

Black Siren: I am, but you're not.

(Black Siren unleashes a sonic scream at you; sending you flying into the wall)

Black Siren: I've been waiting to do that for months.

Spiderman: You were holding a grudge against me? I'm touched.

Black Siren: You won't be joking for very long.

(Black Siren hits you with and scream and you act like you're passed out. Black Siren walks up to you; stepping on your chest)

Black Siren: It's time for payback.

Spiderman: I was about to say the same thing.

(You web Black Siren's mouth; then you jump in the air kicking Black Siren in the face and you land on the ground looking at down at Black Siren)

Spiderman: The tables have turned in a 180 degree fashion.

(Your Spider-Sense goes off, you jump to the wall avoiding the bullets. You look behind you to find Ricardo Diaz, with a gun)

Spiderman: And you are?

Diaz: The guy who's going to kill you.

(Diaz shoots at you again but you avoid them, again by doing a summersault and landing on the ground)

Spiderman: If I had a dollar for every time someone told me that, I would be rich.

(Diaz points his gun at you but you web his gun and use your other hand to web his face. You pull him towards you, and you jump and do a spin kick; kicking Diaz in the face. And he falls to the floor)

Spiderman: Did you really think this was going to work? I mean really?! A regular thief has gotten closer to getting me. Now I just feel bad for you.

Diaz: Do you think this was the whole plan? We were just the distraction.

Spiderman: Distraction?

(Your Spider-Sense goes off like crazy, you move out of the way and you see a spear flying by you)

Spiderman: Was that a spear?

(You turn around to see a man, who you think threw his spear at you)

Spiderman: And who are you?

???: I am, Kraven the Hunter.

???: I am, Kraven the Hunter

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A/n: What Kraven looks like.

Diaz: You can thank, Anatoly Knyazev, for this guy. Lucky there's people in Russia, who still owe him.

To Be Amazing (Arrowverse x Spiderman male reader) Where stories live. Discover now