Arrow and the Spider

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(The Green Arrow going after criminals who robbed a jewelry store)

Overwatch:(coms) The bad guys just entered a car garage. Probably where the getaway car is.

Green Arrow: I see them.

(Green Arrow enters the garage to find a gang of criminals)

Criminal1: It's the Green Arrow!

Criminal2: Don't just stand there. Shoot him!

Green Arrow: Whenever you're ready.

Criminal3: Do you want to die that badly?

Green Arrow: I wasn't talking to you.

(From the ceiling you web the guns out of their gangs hands and you land next to the Green Arrow)

Spiderman: Sup fellas. Thanks for leading us to your base.

Criminal2: How did you know this is our base?

Spiderman: 1. You just told us. 2. I found a bunch of crates full of guns, ammunition, and drugs. And word of advice. Don't rob a store that's down the street.

Criminal2: Enough of this. Get them!

(The gang runs at the two of you)

Green Arrow: I'll take the ten on the left. You take the ten on the right.

Spiderman: I'll try to go for eleven.

(You and Green Arrow run at the gang. You punch the first bad guy then you pick up the second bad guy and throw him into the third guy. Then you web a table and swing the table; hitting five bad guys. And finally the last two run at you but you flip over them and while in the air you smash their heads together. Then you land on the floor)

Spiderman: A for effort. F for results.

(Cut to Green Arrow fighting his ten opponents. He kicks the first guy in the chest and then punches the second guy in the face and throws the third guy into the wall and the fourth guy, he then fires three arrow at three of the bad guys, then Green Arrow picks up a wrench and throws it at one of at another bad guy and for the last two, he grabs one bad guy by the neck and then he kicks the other bad guy behind him and he chocks the last guy out)

Spiderman: Nice work.

(Your Spider-Sense goes off when a bad guy from behind aims his at you)

Green Arrow: LOOK OUT!

(When the gun fires, you do a couple of flips in the air and when you land on the ground up continuing dodging bullets until the bad guy runs out)

Spiderman: Where you even aiming?

(You web the gun and the bad guys face and you pull him towards you and round-house-kick the man in the face and he falls to the ground)

Green Arrow: Impressive.

Spiderman: Told you I can handle myself.

Overwatch: (coms) The police... well what's left of them. Are on their way.

Green Arrow: We'll be leaving.

Spiderman: See you soon M- I mean Overwatch.

(You and Green Arrow head back to the bunker)


(The two exit the elevator while taking off you're mask)

Oliver: You did a good job tonight.

Y/n: Thanks. You know usually I would confront the bad guys first, make a few jokes and then take down the bad guys. But your way works too.

Felicity: You have come far in a week. That a new record for this team.

To Be Amazing (Arrowverse x Spiderman male reader) Where stories live. Discover now