Stepping Up

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(Your at Home working on a new project when you suddenly get hungry)

Y/n:(mind) Hopefully Dad is still awake.

(You walk out your room and see your Dad packing a bag)

Y/n: Are you going somewhere?

Oliver: Kasnia.

Y/n: No idea where that is. Why are going there?

Oliver: An old friend needs my help to find his son.

Y/n: What's holding you back?

Oliver: I promise I would be in your life more. I don't know what to expect when I get there.

Y/n: Dad, I'll be fine. Go. We can watch a movie when you get back.

Oliver: Are you really ok with this?

Y/n: Yeah. Go help your friend.

Oliver: Before I leave, I'm going to met up with Thea. I'll see you in a few days.

(You and Oliver hug)

Y/n: Try to not get carried away.

Oliver: I'll try.

(Oliver leaves)

Y/n: Guess I'm making dinner tonight.

(Cut to Oliver and Thea eating dinner)

Thea: Are you sure, you want to help Slade? I mean the 2 of you are going alone.

Oliver: I owe Slade for helping me back on Lian Yu.

Thea: Your not going to let this go. Are you?

Oliver: Felicity and Y/n convinced me to go. So I'm going.

Thea: Ok. Me and the team will look after the city while you're gone.

Oliver: That's what you guys have been doing since I retired.

Thea: It won't last long. I know you.

Oliver: I might come back on occasion. What do you think of Diggle as the new Green Arrow?

Thea: It's not that different from when you retired the first time. He did lead us when the ghost first arrived.

Oliver: That's true.

Thea: But I also thing it suits him. Diggle is a good Green Arrow.

Oliver: That's why I put him in charge.

Thea: So how is Y/n's training going?

Oliver: He's surpassed my expectations. At first I thought he was a natural, but now it seems like he's an expert.

Thea: What makes you say that?

Oliver: The other day, when we were practicing attacking and counter attack's. I gave him a surprise attack and he perfectly dodged it. He said it was luck but I don't know.

Thea: What? Your saying he's secretly a expert fighter?

Oliver: I don't know.

Thea: Oliver. What's on your mind? Something is bothering you.


Thea: Ollie.

Oliver:(sighs) Back on Lian Yu, Adrian said that Y/n is hiding a secret.

Thea: He was lying. Adrian was insane.

Oliver: I thought he was lying to. But... the thought has crossed my mind the past couple of months.

To Be Amazing (Arrowverse x Spiderman male reader) Where stories live. Discover now