Secrets and Lies

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(A week after the last chapter. You and your father haven't talked much since your Dad grounded you. But this doesn't stop you from being Spiderman. You know that saving people is more important than making your Dad happy. Right now you're swinging through the city chasing after criminals in a getaway car)

Criminal1: We're almost out of the city. When we do, we're going to be filthy rich!

Criminal2: Doesn't get too excited. Spiderman is after us.

Criminal1: Don't worry, I'll lose him.

Criminal2: You do know how many cars he's stoped?

Criminal1: No.

Criminal2: A lot.

Criminal1: How do you know?

Criminal2: My Niece is a big fan.

(You land on top of the car)

Criminal2: He's here!

Criminal1: You're going down!

(Criminal1 drives into a alleyway and rams the car into a wall. You jump at the last second and the car crashes and the two criminals get out)

Criminal2: W-What the hell was that!?!?

Criminal1: I scared him off.

Criminal2: You are so stupid.

(You land in front of them and Criminal2 puts his hands in the air and Criminal1 makes a run for it)

Criminal2: I surrender. That guy is crazy.

Spiderman: Good choice.

(You web him just to make sure he doesn't run away and you go after Criminal2. Criminal2 runs into a dead end and you show up behind him. He turns around and pulls out his gun and shoots at you, you dodge the bullets while getting closer to him. After a couple of shots the Criminal runs out of ammo)

Criminal2: Damn it!

(He drops the gun)

Criminal2: Ok, I surrender.

(You walk towards him)

Criminal2: Um... I said I surrender.

(When you get close, you grab him by his neck and throw him into the wall)

Criminal2: Hey, man... I said I surrender.

(You hold him down with one arm and you continuously punch him. The. You hear the police sirens and you leave the scene of the crime)


(You sneak in through the window and quickly get into your normal clothes. You lay down on your bed putting your headphones on and you listen to music for a while until Felicity walks in your room)

Felicity: Hey, I didn't hear you come in.

Y/n: I didn't know anyone was home.

Felicity: You mean, you didn't know if your father was home.

Y/n: Is he?

Felicity: No. He's busy with Green Arrow business.

Y/n: Ok.

Felicity: I know you and your Dad aren't seeing eye-to-eye right now. But it will get better.

Y/n: Will it? Dad told me how he really feels and he said in front of everyone. Pretty sure Rene heard it too, and he's in a hospital in another city.

Felicity: You're Dad does have a point. You keep sneaking away and you don't tell us where you're going. And these past few weeks, you've been sneaking away from us during dangerous times.

To Be Amazing (Arrowverse x Spiderman male reader) Where stories live. Discover now