Rock and a Hard Place

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(A couple of days after Cayden James arrest. You're walking to school)

Y/n:(mind) I can't believe school is back already. It didn't help when Dad and Mom made me go.

(You're get to the school and you sit down and wait for the bell to ring)

Y/n:(mind) Now, I wait.

(You're thinking when someone hugs you from behind)

Artora: Guess who?

Y/n: Hey.

(You turn around and Artora kisses you passionately for a few minutes)

Artora: I've missed you.

Y/n: I missed you too.

(Artora sits next to you and she lays her head in your shoulder)

Artora: It's been to long.

Y/n: It has.

Artora: Congrats on getting Cayden James.

Y/n: Thanks. It wasn't easy. How are you?

Artora: Bored. Don't want to be at school. I want to spend my time with you.

Y/n: I do too. Oh, I almost forgot.

(You pull a present out of your bag)

Y/n: You're late Christmas present.

Artora: Aww. You're so sweet.

(Artora opens it to find-)

(Artora opens it to find-)

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Artora: Ohh. A new jacket. I love it!

Y/n: I knew you would.

(Artora puts us on)

Artora: How do I look?

Y/n: Somewhere between cool and sexy.

Artora: I keep trying not too but it just keeps happening.

(You chuckle at the joke)

Y/n: Hey, you have anything after school?

Artora: No. Why?

Y/n: I was thinking about going to the arcade. Our hangout spot.

Artora: I thought you would never ask. I'm going to beat your high score.

Y/n: In your dreams. And you want to know the best part?

Artora: What?

Y/n: I'm taking the day off. From the job with a certain suit.

Artora: You would do that for me?

Y/n: I've waited a month to see you again. I think the city can handle a day without me as the other guy. And it's a good thing we live in a city with hero's.

To Be Amazing (Arrowverse x Spiderman male reader) Where stories live. Discover now