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(The next morning at School)

Y/n:(mind) If I'm lucky no one watched the news last night.

(Artora grabs you and take's you to a corner)

Artora: Explain what was on the news last night?

Y/n:(mind) I just had to ask...

Y/n: It's fake.

Artora: It looks convincing to me.

Y/n: My Dad is no superhero. I don't know who's doing this to him, but I'm going to find out.

Artora: What are you going to do?

Y/n: Lay low and hope no one ask questions.

Artora: Whatever you do, I'm with with you.

Y/n: Thanks Artora.

(Artora kisses you in the cheek)

Artora: We're together now. So we need to look out for each other.

Y/n: How did I get so lucky?

Artora: I did stop you from getting bullied.

Y/n: Right...

Artora: Come on. Class is starting soon.

(You and Artora enter the school and everyone has their eyes on you)

Y/n:(whispers) So much for laying low.

Artora: Don't worry. If anyone try's to ask, they'll have to go though me.

Y/n: They would have to be insane think they can fight you.

Artora: Damn straight!

(Just then a girl walks up to you)

Student: Is it true your Dad is the Green Arrow?

Y/n:(mind) Didn't even last a minute without being asked!

Artora: Buddy...

(Artora put her hand on the girl's shoulder)

Artora: My boyfriend isn't having a good day. So you better leave or I'll make sure the school news has a very embarrassing story for tomorrow's issue.

Student: Ok! I'll go sorry for bothering you!

(The girl runs off)

Y/n: You know, you have a bright future ahead of you as a bodyguard.

Artora: Thanks, but I'll pass. Besides-

(Artora wraps her arms around your arm)

Artora: There's only a few people I'll protect. And your one of them Mr. Parker~

(You face turns red)

Y/n: T-thanks...

(The 2 of you get to class)

(Time skip)

(Break Time)

Y/n:(mind) Just a little bit longer and I'm out of here.

(Then some senior's walk up to you)

Y/n:(mind) Great...

Y/n: Can I help you guy's?

Student1: So your old man is the Green Arrow.

Y/n: Don't believe everything you hear on the news.

Student2: Your Dad isn't a hero. He's a villain.

Student3: He's been causing problems since he showed up!

Y/n: Don't you guys have anything better to do than messing with someone who's a grade below you?

To Be Amazing (Arrowverse x Spiderman male reader) Where stories live. Discover now