Family Christmas

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(Your in the kitchen making breakfast when Oliver and Felicity walk into the living room)

Y/n: Good morning.

Oliver/Felicity: Morning.

Felicity: Are you making pancakes?

Y/n: Yes I am.

Oliver: Thank you, Y/n.

Y/n: No problem.

(You give Oliver and Felicity plates with pancakes on them)

Y/n: Enjoy.

Felicity: Mmm. This is good.

Oliver: I don't remember teaching you how to make good pancakes.

Y/n: I've been practicing in my free time.

Felicity: So every time you've run off, you're making pancakes?

Y/n: Umm... I've also been working on other dishes.

Oliver: Felicity, it's Christmas. Let's enjoy this.

Felicity: Yeah... these pancakes are really good.

(You and everyone else eat breakfast)

Oliver: Hey, why don't we get ready to open presents?

Felicity: I agree.

Y/n: I'm on board.

(Your phone rings)

Y/n: I have to take this.

Oliver: We'll wait.

(You go into your room and answer the phone)

Y/n: I was wondering when I would hear from you.

Artora:(phone) Merry Christmas.

Y/n: Merry Christmas.

Artora:(phone) I heard what at Oscorp. Are you ok?

Y/n: I'm fine. I don't have my internship anymore. So I can't use that as an excuse.

Artora:(phone) You'll figure it out, you always do. Now about that train...

Y/n: I was wondering when you were going to bring that up.

Artora:(phone) How did you do it?

Y/n: I used a lot of my strength and willpower to stop that train.

Artora:(phone) I bet that felt good saving all of those people.

Y/n: Yeah, but stopping that train... really hurt.

Artora:(phone) I'm proud of you. I couldn't do what you did.

Y/n: No. You would have stopped that train in a instant.

Artora:(phone/scoffs) Y/n. I love you.

Y/n: I love you too. Tell your parents I said hello.

Artora:(phone) I will. Oh and check your jacket. I left your Christmas present in there.

Y/n: Now I feel bad, I have to wait and give you your present when you get back.

Artora:(laughs) Bye Y/n.

Y/n: Bye Artora.

(You hang up and look in your jacket and see a box with your name on it. You open it and see-)

 You open it and see-)

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Y/n:(mind) My mask?

(You find a note with in the box from Artora)


"I know you might think this is just another mask, but looks can be deceiving. My Dad made these special lenses with tech in them and their flash bang resistant. Don't worry, I made up this huge excuse about what I'm going to use the lenses for. And as a personal touch from me, I used some AGRUS tech my Mom had laying around and now your mask can connect to your phone and you can call people while you're busy with your job. Enjoy!"

-With Love, From Artora

Y/n: Thanks Artora. This is awesome.

(You hide your new mask and then head to the living room)

Felicity: Hey. Is everything ok?

Y/n: Yeah. Hey, Umm... Actually there's something I wanted to ask you. Can you help me with a project I'm working on?

Felicity: Yeah, sure. What's the project?

Y/n: There's a science fair happening at my school in a few months. Can you help me out?

Felicity: Sure I'll help you.

Y/n: Thanks. Mom.

(You go to the Christmas tree and sit on the chair)

Oliver: You 2 seem to be getting along.

Felicity: He called me; Mom.

Oliver: I told you he would open up to you.

Felicity: Is this what you felt like when he called you; Dad?

Oliver: It feels good, right?

Felicity: It dose.

Y/n: Hey, are you guys coming or what?

Oliver: Shall we?

Felicity: Of course.

(All of you open presents and spend the rest of the day together)


To Be Amazing (Arrowverse x Spiderman male reader) Where stories live. Discover now