Life Sentence

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A/n: It's been a day since the last chapter.

(You and Oliver are making breakfast for dinner to celebrate Oliver winning the court case)

Y/n: Uh, Dad, there's a shell in this one.

Oliver: Uh, yes, there is.

(Oliver grabs the shell from the pan)

Y/n: Isn't the pan hot?

Oliver: Ow. It's immensely hot, but when we are doing breakfast for dinner at Chez Queen, we do it right.

Y/n: We will do it right.

Oliver: That's the spirit. Salt me, please, Felicity.

Felicity: What?

Oliver: Could you pass the salt, please, quickly when you get a chance?

(Felicity throws the bottle of salt at Oliver but you catch it)

Y/n: Sorry. Couldn't help myself.

(You give the salt to Oliver and you see Felicity giving Oliver an angry look)

Oliver: I can not put salt on this if it's gonna put that expression on your face.

Felicity: It's not about the salt, Oliver.

Y/n: Ok... I'm sensing some tension here. I'm gonna go check on my gear.

(You walk past Oliver while whispering to him)

Y/n:(whispering) Good luck.

(You go to your room where you look at your web shooters when you hear your phone ringing. You put your web shooters in your pocket then you pick up your phone and answer the call)

Artora:(phone) Hey. Congrats on your Dad not going to prison.

Y/n: Thank you. How did your parents take the news?

Artora:(phone) I convinced them your Dad isn't the Green Arrow. I think my Mom was about to have a heart attack.

Y/n: Because she has a crush on the Green Arrow.

Artora:(phone) You knew?!

Y/n: It really wasn't hard to figure out. Although I couldn't figure out who your Dad's celebrity crush is.

Artora:(phone) He has a crush on Scarlett Johansson.

Y/n: Great actress.

Artora:(phone) She is. Anyways, are you going to tell your Dad about your surprise.

Y/n: Tonight during dinner. That's when I'll tell him.

Artora:(phone) Ok. Love you.

Y/n: Love you too.

(You hang up then you go back in the kitchen to help with dinner)

(Dinner is ready and while all of you are eating, Oliver gets a call)

Y/n: Are you gonna get it, Dad?

Oliver: No. I'm spending time with my family. No interruptions.

Felicity: Oliver, get the phone.

Oliver: Getting the phone.

(Oliver takes the call)

Oliver: Hello?

(Oliver gets a worried look on his face)

Y/n: Is everything ok Dad?

(Then your spider-sense goes off like crazy)

Y/n: Mom, run!

Felicity: What? Why?

Oliver: Get down!

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