Internship and Nazis

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(Your helping Otto with his work)

Otto: Are you sure you have nothing to do this weekend? Other than helping me.

Y/n: My Dad and his girlfriend are in Central City, because a friend of theirs is getting married, Artora is having a movie marathon with her family, and everyone else I know is busy.

Otto: I appreciate the help. Together we can change the future of humanity.

Y/n: That's the goal.

Otto: I think it's time for another test.

Y/n: Standing by the emergency button.

(Otto gets ready for the test and you stand by the power button)

Otto: 3...2...1.

(Otto presses a button and a robot arm starts to move around)

Y/n: It working!

(A minute later the arm starts to malfunction)

Otto:(sighs) Shut it off.

(You press the button; turning off the robot arm)

Otto: Test #7: Failure.

Y/n: On the bright side the arm lasted 30 seconds long.

Otto: Your right. All is not lost. I'm going to make some calls, you can take the rest of the day off.

(Otto leaves the room)

Y/n:(mind) Not I have nothing to do.

(You grab your stuff and in the corner of your eye, you see the TV)

Y/n: What the...

TV: Breaking News! Nazis have appeared in Central City attacking municipal lab's and a church yesterday. More information on that later this evening.

Y/n:(mind) Dad. Felicity. I'm on my way.

(You get to the rooftop of Oscorp and change into your suit and swing to Central City)

(Central City)

(You arrive to see a big battle between hero's and Nazis)

Spiderman:(mind) Is this a time travel thing? Is Hitler here?

(You see Nazis aim their guns at civilians)

Spiderman:(mind) Questions later.

(You jump in the air and web the guns out of the Nazis hands. Giving the civilians a chance to escape)

Spiderman: Sorry I'm late. Traffic was terrible.

(The Nazis run at you, but, you sweep their legs in one try)

Spiderman:(mind) Dad's training is really paying off.

(You keep fighting Nazis until you run into Speedy)

Speedy: Spiderman? What are you doing here?

Spiderman: Like I'm going to miss out on kicking Nazi ass. Do you know how we stop this?

Speedy: Supergirl, Flash, and Green Arrow are taking care of the leaders. We need to protect the citizens and stop as many soldiers as we can.

Spiderman: Got it!

(You continue to fight Nazis and saving civilians. As your continue fighting, a Nazi walks up behind you; aiming his gun)

Nazi Soldier: You move and your dead.

(You turn around)

Spiderman: Buddy, if I had a nickel for every time someone told me that...

(Someone knows him out)

Spiderman: I had that.

Sara: I couldn't help myself. Your the guy who helped us out last year right?

Spiderman: That's me.

Sara: New suit?

Spiderman: Yep.

Sara: I like it.

Spiderman: Thanks. Now let take down these Nazis.

Sara: Agreed.

(You and the other hero's fight the Nazis)

(After some Nazis get defeated)

(You check in with everyone else)

Spiderman: Ok. I think there all down.

Flash: Spiderman?

Supergirl: How long have you been here?

Spiderman: 10 minutes, I think? This has been fun, but, I got to go.

(You swing away)

Supergirl: He could have stayed a little longer.

Flash: Maybe he's shy?

Green Arrow: More like, he just likes to keep his identity secret.

Supergirl: Sounds like someone I know.

Green Arrow: You do the same thing.

(Star City)

(You get into your room and relax on your bed)


(Your laying down when you get an idea)

Y/n:(mind) I know how to fix Otto's arm problem.

(You begin to write down ideas)


A/n: Sorry for the short chapter. I wanted to get past "Crisis on Earth-X". The next chapter should be longer.

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