Another Strange Christmas

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(A few days after the last chapter)

(You along with the rest of team arrow are celebrating Oliver and Felicity's wedding. Your wearing a tux; watching everyone enjoy the party)

Y/n:(mind) I can't believe they got married after fighting Nazis. Never thought I would say that.

(Someone taps your shoulder. You turn around and see Artora in a red dress)

Y/n: Hey! You made it.

Artora: Like I was going to miss seeing you in a tux. You look handsome.

Y/n: And you look beautiful.

(You and Artora kiss)

Artora: Why are you by yourself?

Y/n: I feel a little...

Artora: Out of place? Is it because of Felicity?

Y/n: No! No. Felicity is great. She's funny, smart, and helpful. It's just that... those guy's over there have been working together for a long time. They have a bond with each other. If I was over there-

Artora: You would feel like you wouldn't belong.

Y/n: Exactly. You understand me pretty well.

Artora: I do pay attention to you.

Y/n: And that's one of the reasons I love you.

Artora: You know... telling them your secret will probably make you guys closer.

Y/n: Artora.

Artora: I know, but think about it. You and your Dad will be closer and you can fight side-by-side with him and the rest of his crew.

Y/n: What are you talking about?

Artora: Since you told me your secret, I've learned when your lying about something. And on top of that you never gave me a straight answer when I asked you who the Green Arrow was.

Y/n: Artora, I-

Artora: You made a promise right? I don't blame you. I would have done the same thing.

Y/n: You know why I don't want to tell him.

Artora: Because you don't want him to see you differently. Yeah, yeah, I remembered. But you've know him for... what? 3 years now? Isn't it about time to trust him. You trusted me.

Y/n: I told you, because you were in danger. I took a big gamble.

Artora: You do have a good poker face.

Y/n: Joking aside. Why do you keep pushing this? And don't say it's because of how your family reacted to your powers.

Artora: I've been thinking it out and I realized. Your Dad took a risk with you after living with you after a few months. Why can't you give him the same trust in return? And don't say it's because your Dad is going to think of you differently.

Y/n: After my Dad told me his secret, he's been worried that I'm in constant Dan because of it and it's putting a lot of stress on him. If I tell him. I don't if he can take all of that pressure.

Artora: Everyone has a breathing point. But have you really thought this through? All the way?

Y/n: There are some details I haven't thought of. I still don't thing I should tell him.

Artora: Let me ask you something. Your father keeps his secrets mostly to himself. Right?

Y/n: You not far off the mark.

Artora: Then ask yourself Do you want to be like him or better than him?

Y/n:(scoffs) When did you become so wise?

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