Doctor Octopus

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(You and Otto are working on robotic arms)

Y/n: And... done.

Otto: Already? I wished I had you as an assistant a long time ago.

Y/n: Are we ready for another test?

Otto: Yes. Proceeding with test #104.

(Otto presses a button and the arm moves around)

Y/n: It's working.

Otto: So far so good.

(The arm proceeds to work as planned)

Y/n: This is the longest it's ever worked.

Otto: We did it. No malfunctioning, no error, no glitches. It's going as planned.

Y/n: What does this mean?

Otto: This means. We've completed our goal.

Y/n: We did it?

Otto: We did it.

Y/n: I think this case for celebration.

Otto: Indeed. I know a great Chinese restaurant a few blocks away.

(As you and Otto are about to leave, someone comes in)

Otto: Osborn.

Osborn: Hello Otto.

Y/n: Mr. Osborn?

Osborn: Hello Y/n. It's been a while.

Y/n: The last time I saw you was when Harry left for Paris.

Osborn: And last I heard you're the son of Oliver Queen.

Y/n: Long story.

Otto: What do you want?

Osborn: Is that anyway to treat a old friend?

Otto: The only time you show up is when you need something.

Osborn: You're right, I am here for something. I hear you had a breakthrough.

Y/n: How would you know?

Osborn: I run the company Mr. Parker. I know everything that happens in my company.

Otto: Now that it's been confirmed, you can go back to your meetings.

Osborn: Not yet. I want a closer look at your project.

Otto: So you can mess it up.

Osborn: Otto, I'm shocked you would think I would ever do something like that.

Otto: I'll show you another time. Right now I promised my assistant lunch.

Osborn: Hold on Otto. You will show me the project.

(Otto just stairs at Osborn)

Osborn: Fine then. You have 48 hours to turn the project over to the scientist I'm putting in charge.

Y/n: What? You can't do this.

Otto: Actually he can.

Osborn: That's one of the things I like about you Otto, you always know when to quit. I'll see you around Y/n.

(Osborn leaves)

Y/n: He can't do this. We can't give him our work.

Otto: We don't have a choice Y/n.

Y/n: There's always a choice.

Otto: Y/n... just let it go. You should go home. I don't want you to in anymore trouble.

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