Monster on the Couch ⚪️

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Alpha Sorrens footsteps rounded the desk and I turned from him trying to hide my no doubt red face and swollen eyes I was such an ugly crier. I saw out of the corner of my eye that he crouched down to my level. "Calla." His voice was as gentle as I'd heard it and I balled my hands together trying to stop their trembling. "It's okay calm down." But I was not okay I was exhausted and terrified the anger I'd had earlier worn of for the time being because I knew I was vulnerable in this house and so did he.
His hand reached out slowly and grasped the two of mine that were shaking. My body became more ridged at the contact and he noticed. "You are afraid." He stated without a question. This seemed to make the situation worse "That was a quick change." I couldn't gauge his emotions as he said that, was he glad I was afraid now instead of angry?
I tried to deny what he said "I'm not afraid of you." but he and I both knew it was a lie. His other hand moved to grab my hands as he separated them and pried my fingers open to fit in his grasp. I tried to relax the tension but I couldn't and so my hands squeezed at his fingers. "It's alright." He breathed but that caused more tears. "Tell me what is wrong." I tried to pull my hands away but he held onto them. "Let go." I said but he didn't listen which made the situation worse.
  "I don't want you to touch me!" I blurted out. It not only meant my hands but also my entire self and I think he understood the true meaning to my words. His large hands still encased mine and he seemed deep in thought. "You don't have to worry about that. I have control over my wolf unlike many that you have heard in stories." He sounded a bit unsure of himself which made me all the more anxious. It was like he could read my mind and I feared in that moment that he could. His deep brown eyes stared into my hazel ones with concern. Suddenly another voice could be heard in the house with us. "Alpha! I've got the Chinese food!" My heart rate spiked as the other wolf made himself known and Sorren growled making me more nervous my body reacted to the predator he was, the night was his time to reign and my senses knew this. Sorren squeezed my hands and yelled out to the other wolf "Leave Jaden!" The other wolf didn't respond and I assumed that meant he was gone. "Come on let's go eat," Sorren pulled me up onto my feet and finally let go of my hands that were no longer cold, they felt warm. I actually wasn't hungry anymore but decided I wanted to prolong the dreaded figuring out sleeping arrangements for as long as possible.
  I followed him into the kitchen and sat at the stool he pulled out for me on his way to the take out bags of food sitting on the island. "General tso chicken and egg rolls." He said as he poured out a mountain of rice and an avalanche of chicken and sauce "I'm not going to eat all of that." I stated as he also grabbed me three egg rolls and put them on the plate as well. The egg rolls would honestly be enough. "Eat what you can and I will eat the rest." He stated handing me a fork. "Water?" He questioned. I nodded and fished through the bag for chopsticks along with fortune cookies. Did I even want to know my fortune at the moment? No not really.  I began to eat slowly trying to force down what I could so that I could fall asleep and sleep as long as I could. The egg rolls were actually pretty good not that I would tell Sorren that. I sipped at the water trying to rehydrate my throat and cracked lips. Sorren was eating much quicker than me with a plate of chicken and rice of his own. He was almost done as I finished the third egg took and second piece of chicken on my plate.
  I placed my chopsticks down and Sorren frowned "Are you done already?" He asked. "My head hurts." I stated. "I don't have any human strength medicine. I can have some bought tomorrow in town for you. Would you like to go to bed?" That was the question wasn't it? Would I like to find out where I would be sleeping? No, although sleep sounded so nice.
  "Come on." Sorren said standing "I'll clean this up later." I stood as well and walked on shakey legs up the stairs we passed two doors but entered the one at the end of the hallway. The room was large with a four poster bed and another fireplace. A sitting area was infront of the fire place with a small loveseat and two arm chairs. There was a door to a bathroom and another to what I assume to be a closet. The closet was full of dress shirts and I froze. "This is your room?" I asked him. "Yes." He stated taking in my reaction. "I don't want to sleep here." I shook my head. "Calla you do not understand this because you are not a wolf, but I have a need to protect you and provide for you. I have told you already I have control of my wolf, but I will be unable to sleep at night if we are not in the same room. I give you my word I will not touch you."
  "I'll sleep on the couch then." I said looking to the loveseat I could fit on there. "No." He said. "I don't want to sleep I the same bed with you." I shook my head and took a few steps back towards the door. "I will sleep on the couch." He said as he saw the fear that overtook me. Just like earlier down stairs, he was concerned. There was no way he was going to fit on that couch but if he was willing to let me have the bed alone I would take it.
  I decided against a shower tonight even though I probably needed one but the call of sleep was louder than cleanliness. "Here." Sorren said handing me a tshirt of his and some boxers I opened my mouth to say something but he intervened "Until I get you clothes." I changed in the bathroom the clothes given to me swimming on my form something I found reassuring as it hid my figure underneath, and I made my way to the giant bed. Sorren already had a pillow and blanket over on the couch and stood there watching as I climbed into bed and covered myself completely with the duvet. I laid awake for a long time before finally sleep claimed me. I could only pray that the monster in the room would keep his word and leave me alone.

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