Endure ⚪️

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I spent the day on the couch next to Sorren who sat on the other side giving me space as I sat wrapped up in a quilt. Sorren downloaded Netflix after I went over the few dvds he had and then asked him why he still used them. He was confused and I told him about streaming services to which my favorite was Netflix. In that moment he downloaded it and we spent the day watching various documentaries and a few scary movies.
We'd just finished watching the Blair Witch Project. "So what happened?" He asked looking at the tv in confusion. "The witch got them." I answered. "But that video from the house that the brother though was his sister, it was the footage that they took but before they took it?" He asked confused. "Why would she turn to look for him? It was obviously the witch playing tricks on her she knew her friend was dead." He wrinkled his brow confused. "It was what the witch wanted, and what the brother wanted." Sorren looked at me confused "He wanted to know what happened to his sister, and now he does." Sorren seemed to ponder over what I said. "I'm sure wolf movies are much better than that. The ending was too open." He shook his head. There were wolf movie stars and human ones. They were on separate streaming services and to be quiet honest I'd never cared for the wolf ones, personally. They're all very violent and....wolfy. Sorren looked at his watch and turned to me.
"It's around dinner time, are you hungry?" He asked me. I shrugged "I could eat a snack." I confirmed. "A snack?" He asked "That's what I said. A snack." I answered and he huffed. "Alright. So what will it be?" He asked walking over to the kitchen. "I have ingredients to make pasta, pancakes, perhaps a sandwich I do have some roast beef I can cook," he pondered looking into the fridge.
I turned to look at him over the couch "Those aren't snacks." I said as he named over literal meals. "What about pizza rolls do you have those?" Sorren frowned. "Pizza....rolls?" Fate is a sadist for putting me here. "Never mind." I sighed getting up and walking to the pantry. Inside there was few snacks to pick from. Some pretzels, protein bars, rice cakes, and dried fruit chips seemed to be the option. The rest of the pantry was stocked with dry ingredients, jars of vegetables, and spices.
There were no unhealthy savory things to choose from and I was disappointed. I suppose Sorren did not reach that physic by eating pop tarts. I shook the thought from my head "What do you want?" Sorren asked as I stood infront of the open pantry door for a few moments. "Hmm. Let me look in the fridge." I walked over to the appliance and looked in frowning. It was a bunch of vegetables, fruit, eggs, milk, again no snacks. The freezer was even worse it was basically just full of meat.
I walked back over to the pantry and picked up the bag of pretzels. When I turned to walk back to the couch I caught Sorren looking at me as if I was the most curious thing he's ever seen. "What?" I asked and he shook his head "That isn't all you are eating. I will make some pasta."
"No really I'm not that hungry." I insisted but he debuted easily "I will make pasta and eat whatever you do not finish." He said sternly. I made my way back into the living room deciding it best to be quiet. It was a wolfy thing I supposed an instinct to provide for 'ones mate'. I could throw up just thinking about it. That whole instinct thing however primal did not give Sorren an excuse to be an asshole.
I decided to pick my battles carefully moving this next upcoming one to the moment he sets the pasta down infront of me and I take approximately three bites and push the plate over to him. I then flicked on the next movie and wrapped myself in my blanket again along with the bag of pretzels.
I heard Sorren move around in the kitchen for a while as the title flashed across the screen and then he joined me. "What is this one?" The movie began and I answered quietly so as to not miss anything "Its called The Giver." I munched in the pretzels as the movie continued. "Give me a pretzel." I turned to him shocked and then back to the screen "Calla, I said give me a pretzel." His tone was stern, he was ordering me.
"Don't talk to me like that." I said. "I just want a pretzel." He said. "So ask nicely." I stated and he seemed to realize what I was on about. "Call honestly I-" I threw a pretzel at him which hit him in the face and landed on the floor. Sorren squeezed his eyes shut and then opened them slowly. "I will call that a misfire for you sake and-" he stopped talking as I hit him again with another pretzel. He clenched his jaw "Calla, stop." I held a pretzel in my hand visible to him and rose my hand to toss it.
  Sorren caught this one before it could hit his face and squeezed his hand tightly crushing the pretzel into dust. "You always have to push don't you?" Sorren asked frustrated. "Perhaps you've forgotten last night in my office." I frowned as he brought up my moment of weakness. "What I said about my wolf was true, but he often swims close to the surface when upset. That is something I do not want you to see, so do not push. Understood?" I clenched my jaw and his eyes grew dark at my silence. He was about to speak again when bubbling and sizzling could be heard from the kitchen, the pot of water he put on for the pasta had boiled over. I'd been saved by the bell so to speak as he got up to turn the heat down. I took my chance to remove myself from the situation and made my way quickly upstairs to the master bath.
  I locked the door and gripped at the sink. Today was a good day all things considered, I could do this. I could endure and I could escape. I'd just have to do it eloquently try and reign in the sarcastic comments I was better than that I didn't need that. A much easier thought that I didn't see myself putting into action effectively. I could take a lot, but once I'd been pissed off enough I would blow it. A bottle could only hold so many things but I had to try and start to bottle things, and when I felt the glass would shatter, I could make my escape then.

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