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  The CT scan showed no further internal bleeding and so operation was ruled as not necessary. Francesca kept me company all morning until I was discharged. Now, I sat in the passenger seat of her car heading back to Sorren's house. We sat in silence during the drive, and I watched as the town passed us by. A few family's walked downtown, a mother and father held hands and their kids skipped down the sidewalk infront of them.
Soon we were heading up the mountain and turning onto Sorren's private drive. Internally I groaned, time to go back to exactly how things were. The house came into view after the last bend and my heart fluttered violently. Parker infront of the house was the same car my parents drove, but it couldn't be them a coincidence I'm sure. "Francesca, who does Sorren have over?" I asked eagerly. "I'm not sure, I've never seen that car before." It was an old Honda CRV and if there was a scrape on the back bumper it was most definitely my parent's car. When I'd first learned to drive, I backed into a parked car at the grocery store and my parents haven't fixed it and left it be.
  Francesca drove up to the front and I strained to see the mark. It was indeed there. What were my parents doing here? Was it both of them or just Mom or Dad? Did Sorren invite them or did they appear somehow hearing about my trip to the hospital? As soon as the car was in park I got out ignoring the nagging pain in my stomach. I'd never been so eager to cross the threshold of this house. "Calla, are you alright?" Francesca rushed to my side but I couldn't form words with all the excitement I had within me. I opened the door quickly and made my way into the living room. Alpha Sorren sat in one of the arm chairs facing the couch and both my Mom and Dad sat on the couch. They turned as they heard the door and my thundering foot steps. "Calla!" My mother cried and stood to embrace me. I couldn't believe this was happening. We hugged for a long time until my Dad cleared his throat. I moved to where he stood and quickly embraced him as well. He picked me up and hugged me tightly. "I missed you so much!" He said in a teary voice. "I missed you too. Both of you." I was still in shock when he pulled away to look at me.
  "Are you okay? You were in the hospital?" Dad asked. I shifted uncomfortably, what did Sorren tell them? How do I explain what happened? "Yeah, but I'm alright now. More than alright." I assured them. "What happened?" My mom asked her eyes cutting nervously to Sorren behind me. "A car accident. The seatbelt really dug into me, but I'm alright. Just some bruising." I lied. My parents nodded unconvinced "Let's sit down, do you want to sit down?" My Mom had stopped crying at this point and now took to clinging to me like I'd disappear, I had no problem with that. We sat on the couch me between them. I cut a glance to Sorren who watched with an indiscernible look on his face. "Did you wreck the car?" My Dad looked at Sorren "I mean she hasn't been allowed even a phone call to us, I assume she wasn't driving." I looked to my dad nervously and then to Sorren. Sorren pursed his lips and had his eyes set on my Dad. I was about to speak up to cover for Sorren, in some last ditch effort to preserve his image? But why would I do that? Perhaps to make my parents feel better when they have to leave me here with him. Was that a healthy thing to do, to make everything look fine or if not fine at least some semblance of okay? Probably not but I couldn't have them worrying over me even more than they were.
Before I could say it was me driving the car, Sorren spoke up "Yes sir I was. Nothing like that will ever happen again." Sorren was looking at me now "and I apologize." His gaze was so direct and seemed to convey just how sorry he was. "You're supposed to take care of her, and look at her, she's so skinny." My Dad continued. "Dad, she is sitting right here." My Dad turned to look at me "And I can speak for myself." My Dad's fists were balled tight in his lap. I reached over grab one of his hands to try and calm him down "I'm sorry. I just want to make sure you're okay." I nod "It's an adjustment, but you know how stubborn I am." I smirked in teasing. "I know, I just worry." I shook my head "Enough about me, how are you both?" Mom then took over the conversation. She updated me on the family to all of my cousins and their endeavors.
My Mom described a miserable choir concert my one cousin Timothy was in where two kids threw up on stage because it was so hot seemed to be the highlight for me. I couldn't help but laugh at the thought of it, my Aunt Jess, Timothy's Mom and my Mom's sister, looking on in horror as her baby son, who is actually 10, stood in a puddle of someone else's puke. We talked for a while longer before Francesca made herself known. 
  "What would we all like for dinner?" Suddenly came from the kitchen. "Francesca! I'm sorry, these are my parents Alan and Marilyn." I said introducing my parents. "This is Francesca." I paused, we'd grown closer over these last weeks and it felt wrong to just label her as the house keeper. "Pleasure. I am the house keeper-" I cut her off "She's a friend, and practically raised Sorren." I peaked at the wolf who sat in the large arm chair effectively dwarfing it. He looked surprised I'd addressed him "Yes, she did raise me and now she helps me take care of my house, I think without her I'd probably still be making bacon cheese and noodles for dinner." He chuckled. "Kissing my butt won't get you any points." Francesca scolded at Sorren. She was still upset with him that was evident. I was as well, but Francesca was bolder and basically saw fit to put her son back in line. "I can make spaghetti, with garlic bread, or roasted chicken, I can make a casserole but that will take a bit longer." Francesca paused to think "Spaghetti sounds good. Is that alright?" I asked my parents. They nodded "Yes that sounds great! Would you like help?" My mom asked the ever polite house guest. Francesca shook her head "No, please enjoy time with your daughter." Francesca said. My mom didn't have to be told twice.
"Oh! How could I forget! Your cousin Hannah is getting married." My mom exclaimed happily. "To Evan?" I asked my mom nodded in excitement. "That's awesome they've been together for what like 7 years?" I asked and she nodded. "The wedding is in two weeks actually. The invitation she sent us also has your name." Mom paused nervously "She um wasn't sure where to send you your own invitation." I swallowed thickly, of course she didn't everyone was cut off from me when Sorren stepped into the picture.
"What is the exact date?" Sorren asked pulling out his phone. "The 20th." My mom said. Sorren paused most likely looking at his calendar. "We could go, my schedule looks light that day so I can move some things around." He offered but I looked at him unsure, I didn't necessarily want him around my family. My parents were quiet too also unsure of the "we" Sorren used. "Yeah, we...could go." I finally said still sounding unsure. I wanted to go, but I didn't want Sorren around everyone I cared about. "It is too far for you to travel by yourself." My Dad then spoke up "It sounds like she's a better driver than you." My Dad gritted out. Again I looked at my Dad this whole interaction was just plain stressful. "If you would like to go Calla, I will be going with you." Sorren said calmly. I was surprised he hadn't exploded yet. I didn't say anything, we could talk about this later. "Sorren come pour the drinks." Francesca yelled from the kitchen. He stood like a child and walked out towards Francesca.
Finally I was alone with my parents. "He seems stubborn too." My Dad grit out. "He is." I found myself saying. "Was it really a car crash? Or did he hit you? Hurt you?" My Dad whispered although I was sure Sorren could still hear him. "No Dad he isn't like that." I assured him. "He just won't let you contact your family. That's a sign of abuse Calla." I looked at my Dad "I know you're worried but I'm fine so please drop it." I said angrily plunging us into silence. I was tired of everyone treating me like this damsel in distress. I rejected Sorren, me. I had him on his knees to beg for forgiveness which is what I assume this whole visit with my parents signified the start of, I was not someone in need of saving and I was going to start acting like it.
  "The view looks nice." My mom chirped in awkwardly and we all couldn't help but laugh "Yeah it is." I agreed "There's a nice creek behind the house and I guess a cool waterfall further down the mountain but I haven't been yet." I said. "The drive over it was pretty beautiful. You've always loved the mountains." My mom said. "Do you remember that one time hiking-" I cut my Dad off "Please don't."
  "You fell into that creek we were crossing and the rest of the way up the mountain your boots squeaked. That was a rough trip, you had such bad sunburnt and looked awful." My mouth dropped open "Hey!" I exclaimed and both my parents laughed. "Dinner you guys." Francesca said. We all made our way to the large dining table Sorren had which we've never actually used since I've been here. Francesca only had four places set. "Are you going to stay?" I asked her. Please stay I pleaded in my mind. She smiled "I can." She said knowingly I nodded in a kind of thanks. Sorren sat down at the head of the table and I sat to his left with my mom beside me and my father across from me. Francesca made a seat next to my Dad and sat down and we all began to chat. All except for Sorren who rather observed.
  Francesca talked about her family and told quite funny stories about her grandkids. There was then a few embarrassing stories about me tossed around and before I knew it dinner was over and it was dark. "Well, it is getting late your mother and I should be getting home, it's about three hours." My Dad said dreadfully. "Thank you so much for dinner." He thanks Francesca my Mom chimed in "Yes, Thank you it was delicious." Francesca smiled "Of course, any time." She said.
  "Thank you for having us over Alpha Sorren." Mom finally addressed Sorren for the first time all after noon. "Please, just call me Sorren Mrs. Poalto." My Dad sat looking disgruntled and said nothing and my Mom did not grant Sorren the same informality as he did. I stood and walked with them to the door waiting as they put the shoes on. "Perhaps we will see you at the wedding?" Sorren said questioningly. "We would like that." My Mom smiled warmly. Sorren stood behind me as my parents neared the door. "I could call you before then?" I questioned towards Sorren. "Yes, yes of course." He said nodding to me and then to my parents. I walked with them out of the house the nagging pain in my stomach returning.
  "Drive safe." I said looking to my Mom, she was crying. I felt like I'd cry too Sorren said I could call and that we could attend the wedding, but I still felt like it wouldn't happen. Like he was just saying those things to appease my parents? And him inviting them randomly after everything? Did he just think that would magically make me like him? The thought made me angry. "We will." My mom hugged me so tightly and was now crying. My Dad followed suit "Take care of yourself." My Dad said "We do really hope you can come to the wedding." His gaze cut to Sorren sharply but he had nothing else to say to him. "We love you." With one last hug he and my Mom got into the car a drove away. I watched until I couldn't see them anymore the glow of the red tail lights gone, far down the mountain.

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