A Rising Full Moon ⚪️

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  My record player sat on the counter playing the best of Queen as Frencesca and I made cookies. Peanut butter chocolate chips cookies to be precise. It'd been almost a month since I arrived here and my supposed relationship with Sorren remained the same. We would eat together, watch shows, read, talk sparsely, I'd say something that would make him upset, and I would go to bed.
  He was never home during the day, thank god, and luckily I'd grown to stand Francesca. She was a nice woman who made such good food. I'd decided recently due to boredom that I would help her cook although I did like baking more. "Calla save some chocolate chips for the cookies." She scolded. "I haven't had chocolate in a month!" I exclaimed causing her to roll her eyes. "Oh please." She said adding in the wet ingredients first to the stand mixer bowl. It was true, Sorren had no sweet items in his house anywhere and it was driving me crazy.
  She flicked the appliance on and it hummed to life mixing the ingredients slowly. "So what do you have planned for the weekend?" I asked Francesca. I'd learned in our time together that she had a mate, two sons that were a few years older than me who also had mates, and she had grandchildren or grand pups as she first said. Her oldest had two daughters and her youngest had three daughters. She would gush on and on about them rejoicing that there was finally an imbalance during the holidays of boys vs girls. Normally on the weekends she would have them all over.
  "I'm not quite sure yet but I have stocked up on bacon noodles and cheese for the occasion, just incase." We'd already had the argument of the name. I called it bacon mac and cheese, but she said the wolf version contained very little mac and mostly bacon and cheese hence the name. "Alright let's add in the flour." She said stopping the mixer. "Sorren is here." She announced as I dumped in two cups of flour. She then turned to look at the clock on the kitchen wall "Goodness I didn't realize the time!" Francesca exclaimed as I saw Sorren's car pull in. The extent to which these wolves could hear was unsettling.
  "If you want to head out I can finish them." Francesca shook her head "Nonsense! Who will keep you from eating the chocolate chips!" She laughed. I glared and reached to flick the mixer on. When I did so I did not realize that there were multiple levels. Having added about two cups of flour and then putting the mixer onto the highest setting was a fatal mistake. The mixer sprang to life flinging out flour everywhere, and that is when Sorren made his way into the house.
  Francesca yelled as we both fumbled for the switch to turn the appliance off. A cloud of flour settled over the kitchen. Our shouts were loud as the sound of the whirring metal came to a hault. I wiped at my eyes, as flour no doubt coated my face, before I turned to Francesca to take in her appearance. She looked like an aristocrat living in Versailles with a powdered wig and all. Her hair was white with flour as were her clothes and face. I could only assume I looked the same.
  She wiped at her eyes and we looked to each other stunned to silence. The next song that came on had perfect timing as when we grew quiet the chorus rang out "another one bites the dust!" At the ridiculousness Francesca and I burst into laughter. I couldn't believe I'd just done that and neither could she. I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes and I couldn't even speak.
Francesca turned to Sorren. "Oh hello Sorren! We are just doing some routine cooking! I believe tonight will be leftover night for you two." I turned to Sorren with the remanence of my smile and saw him completely enamored. Was he that horrified at the state of his kitchen?
"H-Hi." I stuttered out. Sorren's gaze turned to Francesca "Thank you, Francesca you may leave." He sounded anything but happy. "Sorren." Francesca rolled her eyes "I can clean-" Sorren cut her off "You can clean it tomorrow." Francesca frowned at his tone and then glanced outside the sun was beginning to set. I was confused when she suddenly seemed to realize something very important and nodded. She brushed her clothes off and wiped at the flour on her face.
"Francesca, at least let me help you with the flour," I stepped towards her but she moved back shaking her head "No that's alright dear. I will see you tomorrow." She smiled nervously her eyes flicking to Sorren's. Her gaze was ice cold as she walked past me towards him her bag in hand "You remember what we talked about Sorren." She growled before leaving.
Sorren moved farther into the kitchen and I watched him cautiously, something was wrong. "Sorren?" I could feel the tension in the air as his eyes studied me. "I'm sorry about the flour it was an accident." I said honestly. "I can clean it up now," I said turning back to the mixer. "It's not the flour." He said confusing me further.
"I don't understand-" he answered for me "Tonight is a full moon." I swallowed thickly my throat suddenly becoming dry. I'd forgotten about the full moon, this was the first one I would experience here with him. The stories and fears that had been terrorizing me in my dreams reentered the conscious forefront of my mind. "I didn't realize." I settled on saying. "Calla I need you to do a few things for me, okay?"
My face dropped as he said those words. "What exactly-" he cut me off "You cannot question me tonight. Do not challenge me. My wolf will be closer to the surface but you do not need to be afraid. I promise you I will not harm you, just please follow what I ask you to do." His eyes were steely. "What's going to happen?" Sorren shook his head "Nothing." He said. "What are you going to ask me to do?" I said unsure. "I need to scent you and be close to you, physical contact." My heart rate increased as he said that something he noticed. "I don't-"
"Calla please." He looked stressed and so I nodded. "Okay. Well I want to finish these cookies and then get this flour off of me." Sorren checked his watch and then nodded. "Let's be quick. The moon is beginning to rise."

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