Unintended Pain ⚫️

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  I woke up to a pounding headache. Upon first opening my eyes, I had to squeeze them shut again due to the brightness of the room. In all reality, the room was dim it was only my hangover that seemed to magnify the brightness. I peeled my eyes open and wiped at them with one hand. It was then I realized I was holding something, or rather someone. They were still asleep and breathing slowly. Last night began to return to me slowly, I'd gone to the bar and met Charlotte and come home with her.
We had admittedly good sex, and it was nice to feel something other than pain from the bond. That pain which bloomed in my chest felt even sharper today. Perhaps this was the moon goddess punishing me for thinking she could fall from the sky and receive no help from me? I carefully removed my arms from around Charlotte and rolled over to grab my phone off of the nightstand. The Lock Screen illuminated 7:30am and under the time, I had about fifty notifications. All were missed calls from Jaden and Azala and plenty of messsges asking where I was. I read over one that Jaden sent me which had me getting out of bed to find my clothes quickly. 'Calla is in the hospital, internal bleeding from your night out with another wolf. Call me.'
  The messages from Azalea were the same. I gathered my clothes and went to the bathroom to quickly shower and then head to the hospital. I stepped into the cold spray of the water and made quick work to wash myself clean of this night. Internal bleeding? I hadn't realized that sleeping with another wolf could do that to a mate, I mean sure some pain which we were already feeling, but internal injury? Why didn't I have internal injuries too?
  As soon as I got in the shower I got out and dressed reemerging to find Charlotte awake in bed. She sat up revealing her bare chest to me "Good morning Alpha." She said in a sleep laden voice. "Do you want breakfast before you leave?" I walked back over to the nightstand to grab my wallet, keys, and phone. "No, I have to leave there is an emergency." I said placing both items in my pocket. She rose from the bed and made her way over to me as I headed for the door. "We should do this again." She placed a hand on my chest and trailed it down to cup my crotch.
  "Charlotte I really need to leave." I said stepping back. She nodded "I understand, you're a busy man. Come back anytime." She said making her way to the bathroom. I wasted no time leaving the house and realized I'd left my car at the bar. I walked quickly under the bright sun and called Azalea. On the second ring she picked up. "Finally, you decide to look at your damn phone." She growled. "Calla, how is she?" I said unable to hide the panic from my voice. "So now you care huh? The poor thing was writhing in pain last night and as soon as I saw the bruises I knew what you were up to. She has some light internal bleeding around her uterus which should subside on its own but she needs to stay for monitoring. You could've killed her Sorren." She scolded. "But she is okay? Do they have to operate?" I asked. "No, as of now they don't and if you can manage to keep your dick in your pants it will stay that way." I got to my car and climbed in "I'll be there in five minutes."
  "Sorren, I just want to let you know it's clear as day what happened to her. There are privacy laws to protect Calla, but when people see you, the pieces will fall together for the nurses." I had nothing to say to that "I'm on my way." I said speeding off from the parking lot. "We're in room 227." And then she hung up. I gripped the steering wheel tightly and came screeching into the hospital parking lot. Soon I was inside heading towards the elevator "Good morning Alpha!" A nurse exclaimed along with another and another. It was like a chorus of voices all greeting me, all clambering to look at me. Today I didn't acknowledge anyone, I needed to get to Calla and fast.
  I rode the elevator up and followed the signs to get to 227. The door was open and the room quiet. I walked in to find a tired looking Azalea and Jaden at the side of a sleeping Calla. She laid on her side curled up into herself. She looked so small in that bed. "Did you have a nice night?" Jaden asked "You look like shit but at least you had the decency to shower. Whiskey?" He said shortly. "She's okay just sleeping?" I asked. "I had to give her something to put her out, she was tossing and turning all night groaning something fierce. The pain and damage you caused Sorren, I hope it was worth it. She rejected you so you just had to hurt her back is that it?" She asked angrily. I didn't deny what she said, that was true. I'd slept with Charlotte because I wanted to work off some steam and forget, with the added bonus of giving Calla some pain too. "I didn't realize I would hurt her like this." I said. "Well we are going home to shower and get some food. We will be back later. Can we trust you with her or should I get one of my friends to watch her?" Azalea said shortly. "No, I'll watch her." Both wolves stood "You really messed this up." Jaden said hitting my shoulder on the way out. I stood staring at Calla for a few moments before moving to sit where Jaden and Azalea were.
  Although her eyes were closed her face did not look at peace. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly and her jaw seemed tight. I sat in silence for a long time until a nurse came in. "Hello Alpha!" She seemed startled by my presence. "Are you visiting? I can come back after my round is finished." I shook my head "No I'll be here a while go ahead." I gestured to Calla. "I need on your side." She said pushing the cart. I got up out of the chairs and made my way around to the other side of the bed near the window.
  "Calla, Calla honey." She groaned "Please let me sleep." She said tiredly. "I just need to take your vitals. Are you hungry?" She asked her. "No." She sounded so tired. The nurse put a blood pressure cuff on Calla's arm to get her blood pressure, then took her pulse, and then her temperature. "Okay everything looks good, can I get you in your back to take a peak at your stomach? We just want to make sure the bruising hadn't gotten worse.
  Calla took a moment to roll over gasping as she did. "Good job hun." The nurse pulled the covers down to her hips and I watched intently as Calla lifted the thin hospital gown. I was shocked at the dark purple bruising I saw on her stomach. "It doesn't look any worse at least to me. We are going to get you up to CT today. I won't let them do another internal ultrasound on you, not when you're so sore." The nurse said backing up with her cart. "Thank you." Calla said. "Are you sure you're not hungry? You can't take any Tylenol without eating something." The nurse asked. "No, not right now." She said declining the nurse. "Do you want some food Alpha?" Calla suddenly realize I was in the room her eyes locked onto mine. "No thank you." I declined. The nurse then made her way from the room sparing me a glance and left us alone.
  "Calla, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize you would get hurt like this, I mean I would've never...fuck I'm sorry." I cursed. "But you knew it would hurt me? Azalea knew what was happening by just glancing at me." She looked at me with a furrowed brow. "I didn't know I'd put you in the hospital." I admitted "I thought you would feel it through the bond, like in your chest." She scoffed. "I'm sorry."
  "This is all just part of you finding my replacement right?" She asked. I swallowed thickly, I let anger cloud my judgement I was a fool. Nothing good came from whiskey and sexual frustration. I was about to begin apologizing again when Francesca entered the room "You!" She exclaimed storming over to me "You could've killed her!" Francesca scolded "Get out!" She exclaimed "You smell like a bar." She exclaimed to me. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay." I said to Calla. "She's in the hospital, she's not okay!" I swallowed thickly. "Let's go, out." Francesca ushered me out into the hallway. With a lowered voice she addressed me "Sorren I am disappointed in you, this is no way for an Alpha to conduct themselves." She was right and I found no argument to her statement. I acted like a young immature wolf, like I had no responsibilities and no mate. When Azalea had told me what happened when a mate slept with someone else, I didn't realize she meant bodily harm that is potentially life threatening.
"I know." I said remorseful. "I heard that she rejected you, and I am truly sorry about that, but someone has to be the bigger person and you're the one that is 130 years old." She said in a knowing way. She was right, Calla was only 20 and although it takes two in a relationship, Francesca was right. I'd thought about what Calla said, and everything she had to say was true. I did steal her from her home, and she had no say in returning to see her family unless I allowed her to. She wanted to go to school, I stopped that from happening. I'd taken so much from her and just expected her to embrace me for it. Perhaps I could right one wrong and allow her to see her parents. Her talk would probably be damning to me, but if it made her happy she could gladly disgrace my name to her family. Was that a flawed way to look at it? Probably. I should want them to like me, but how could they after what I did? "Go home and brush your teeth." Francesca ordered "I'll keep an eye on her." Francesca said. I nodded "thank you."

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