Hospital Bed ⚪️

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  The drive to the hospital was quick. Jaden carried me to the car and took off down the drive way and onto the road. Azalea was on her phone trying to get a hold of someone, probably Sorren. "I don't want him there." I said. He'd just rush about stressing me out. Where ever he was, I didn't care. "He's not picking up?" Jaden asked. "No. I can't mind link him either." She said. Jaden grunted in annoyance. "Like I said, I don't want him there." I winced at another sharp jagging pain. "Where could he be?" Jaden asked. Azalea shook her head "Or who could he be with?" I was confused. "What do you mean who could he be with?" I asked.
  "If a mate sleeps with another outside of the pairing, this could happen." My mouth opened in shock. Sorren was fucking some woman and that's why I was internally bleeding? Could this day get any worse? "So you mean him fucking someone else will tear me up inside? That's not fair what about him?" If anything he should be the one in pain, he's the dominant in this whole thing shouldn't he feel that I'm in distress or whatever? "I agree it's not fair. Usually the cheating wolf feels pain as well however if he is desperate enough that pain dims in light of..." I rolled my eyes as she trailed of "In light of him cumming? That's just great." Jaden barked out a laugh and Azalea reached out and smacked him. "Hopefully it is just some light bruising and there is not major internal bleeding, you're still coherent so that is a good sign. We'll have to do an ultra sound to check." She explained.
So this pain was from Sorren sleeping with some other wolf? I guess he was into pain then if this feeling turned him on. Or, it was a spite thing a kind of I hurt him so he hurt me thing which also seemed very likely. Maybe it was both? He seemed like he'd be into pain. "So does this mean Sorren is bleeding internally too?" I asked. "No. It's different with women." Azalea said as we pulled up to the emergency room. That sounded like bullshit to me and I childishly hoped Sorren's dick would fall of. That's be easier for both of us, I wouldn't have to work about him trying to fuck other women because of this awful internal bleeding and I wouldn't have to worry about him fucking me. I sat doubled over the tension in my body evident of the pain I was still experiencing.
As soon as we parked Azalea jumped out of the car and made her way into the hospital. Jaden got out as two nurses brought out a wheelchair for me. With the help of Jaden, I was seated in the wheelchair with only a few grimaces but still sat hunched over in attempt to ease the pain. I was pushed inside directly to an ultrasound room. Again, Jaden lifted me into the table. "Thank you." I finally said he'd been carrying me a lot this evening. He nodded "of course, I expect you to return the favor and carry me around too." He smirked "im going to make sure you have a room set up, this is Sasha she will take good care of you." Azalea said pulling Jaden from the room.
"Hello, I'm the lead ultrasound tech here, Azalea said you have some serious bruising on your abdomen would you mind if I checked?" I attempted to lay back and with clenched teeth did so. Sasha lifted my shirt and made no noise but the kind look she had hardened to concern as Azaleas did. Did she know as the doctor what this was from? Most likely. "I'll need you to take off your pants, I can give you a paper gown to drape over your legs." I looked at the woman confused "With this dark of brushing in the abdominal area, if you consent, I would like to also do an internal ultra sound to get some clear pictures. I believe the exterior pictures may be too fuzzy." She said. I'd never had one before and found myself nervous.
"Let me see how the external pictures turn out alright hun?" She said surveying the scared look on my face. "Okay." I said lifting my shirt higher. The gel was cold on my stomach and she spread it out lightly. Her touch although gentle did hurt, she brought the wand down and swiped it over my stomach. On the screen blotches appeared and looked foreign to me. A few minutes passed and Sasha kept returning to the same spot. "I would really like to do an internal ultrasound if that is okay. This one spot, I need a clearer picture." She said. I nodded and embarrassingly with her help took my pants and underwear off. I draped a paper gown over my legs and watched as she got the probe ready.
  It was a bit large and I knew it was going to be uncomfortable. "Alright all ready here. Is it okay if I begin?" She asked respectfully. "Just get it over with." I exclaimed. The probe stretched my entrance slightly and I winced. The cramps I had seemed to worsen with the introduction of this foreign object. Sasha pushed the probe up in and began to move it slowly to see what she needed to see. I squeezed my eyes shut at the cramping and waited for it to be over. It felt like an eternity, until finally she removed the probe. "I see a bit of bleeding but nothing too concerning. We will keep you in the hospital overnight just to observe and make sure nothing gets worse." I was actually bleeding? Holy shit Sorren could actually kill me doing this. Sasha helped me up off the table and into the wheelchair. I was then wheeled through the maze of hallways to a room Azalea and Jaden were in.
  Jaden stepped outside and was trying to make some calls, probably to Sorren. Azalea helped me change into a hospital gown. The bed was surprisingly comfy, i'd never been in a hospital bed before. The cramping I felt was so very painful and I took no time curling up and attempting to sleep. I'd laid for a long time trying to fall asleep listening to the hear monitor beep which Azalea put on. Finally, at some point I'd passed out because the pain I felt dulled. I dreamed of my family a bitter sweet thing my mind decided to inflict onto me.

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