She's Ours ⚫️

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  I stayed until her heart beat evened and when I was sure she was asleep I made my way downstairs. What or rather who I found made me groan in annoyance. "What do you want Jaden?" I said making my way into the kitchen "You have a human here? Why?" He asked incredulously. "She is my mate." I said making my way over to the island that Jaden sat at. I picked up the chopsticks Calla was using and began to eat the rest of her food. It was satisfying to me, eating the rest of her food like we were sharing something my wolf was pleased by it. "Congratulations Sorren!" He exclaimed "That is wonderful!" I huffed, was it? She was to be the Luna of my pack and as a human or even a half blood she was not as powerful as a regular wolf. She would be respected I could make sure of that, but I feared for her safety above all else. Was she even strong enough to be Luna? Her out spoken meatier ignited something my wolf a mixture anger and desire a dangerous combination but seeing her behind my desk, looking so small and helplessly lost I could not help but feel her hurt something chalked up to the bond and I being the dominant wolf. Thinking more into it perhaps it was the timing of her break down that made her all the more strong, she did not cry as her parents did, she did not cry on the long journey here, and she did not begin to cry infront of me, she waited until she thought she was alone. She wanted to be strong for her family and show no weakness to me. It was not until we arrived in my territory that she seemed to shift her thoughts off of her family and to herself and that was a good trait to have a leader. She would think of others whereas I would always think of her. Perhaps it could create a balance? Or maybe an imbalance.
  "It would be easier if she was a wolf." I said. "You can turn her as soon as you two mate. Which, why is that not happening now?" Jaden didn't understand his mate was a wolf he met the next territory over and she was as eager as he was to mate and become one. It was a primal instinct that Calla didn't and would never have to the extent that I do even after I turned her into a half blood.
  "She's human Jaden." He shrugged "Exactly." I frowned "She doesn't have a wolf. It's not like you and your mate, as soon as you two met you were fucking each other. I have to build a relationship with her." The task seemed monumental when speaking it out loud. Yes, I knew plenty about human behavior but I could only understand to a point just as a human can only understand to a point a wolf's instincts. "Humans are so strange." Jaden shook his head. "Well since you aren't busy tonight, how about we open that bottle of bourbon that's been sitting on your shelf for the last 50 years. This is cause for celebration." I got up to out the plates in the sink and throw away the take away bags "You just keep trying to find something to celebrate. The last few months it was to the full moon and now this?" Jaden sighed "Fine, but when you two get married we will have to drink it then." I paused in thought, married? "Humans do get married Sorren," Jaden said as if my look of thought was confusion "I know they do." I snapped, I'd just never thought of getting married. Wolves declared their commitment at an annual meeting of the packs around a bond fire and the significance of the mate bond proved sufficient enough. It was strange to me the concept of a wedding, humans go through the pomp and circumstance only to separate months later. Would Calla want a wedding?
  "Great so wedding it is. You guys should get married soon." I shook my head "Goodbye Jaden." I said making my way to the door "Goodnight Alpha." He stepped out into the night "But seriously Sorren, congratulations." He said sincerely. I nodded in thanks "Oh Jaden? Let's keep this between us. I don't want word getting out until she settles in." Jaden nodded "Of course Alpha." Satisfied with his answer I closed the door locked it and made my way back up to my bedroom. I can't believe I agreed to sleeping in the small loveseat. I would definitely end up on the floor.
  I opened the door softly confused to find the bathroom light on and the door open a crack letting some of the light into the room. Calla still laid in bed and judging by her breathing and heartbeat she was asleep currently. I made my way over to the bed and took in her sleeping form. She looked so small wrapped up in the covers her small hand laying on a pillow beside her. It was hard to believe just a few hours ago that hand was trembling in fear so violently because of me. Her lips were parted slightly and looked so delicate and soft. My wolf stirred at that fact. She is ours.
  I swallowed thickly I am not a young wolf, I have been around for a few centuries now and I will not let my nature get the best of me. I feared however that when it came to Calla my wolf would be brought so close to the surface because of small rituals usually performed before the first full moon would scare her and so she would refuse annoying and exciting my wolf. That seemed to be my fatal flaw, my wolf loves the chase and Calla was the perfect one.

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