I was brought back inside after Kiran stated that fact. I had no response for a moment my mouth didn't seem to work. "Please, just let me go, he never has to know about any of this." I shook my head trying to break out of his delicate but firm grip. "I'm sorry but I can't do that. Your scent is all over the house and all over my mate. Alpha Sorren has called a meeting with our Alpha and we are to be present." I shook my head "No please, don't take me back to him." Deanna then spoke up "Kiran look at her, he did this to her."
"I'm sorry, but it is the law, I will not let it claim us, or claim you. He will kill us." Kiran said looking to his mate. "We must try to protect her!" Vera exclaimed "No," I said against all of my being "He is right. I'm so sorry I should've never dragged you into this." As much as I didn't want to go back, I did not want to condemn these two wolves with my actions especially since Sorren was already in the territory. He already knew I was here. I couldn't be selfish enough to ask two people to die.
I followed Kiren and his mate out to the car in unsettling silence. Would I have the chance to run? If they began to take me back but I ran, it would show Sorren that they meant to bring me back and I escaped them, but could I escape from Kiren? Surely not. The only way I escaped Sorren was because of his distraction, otherwise I wouldn't of made it a step. The tension I held in my body was noticeable to the two wolves who exchanged glances. I was placed into the back seat of their car and sat nervously biting at my lip as we drove to meet Sorren and this pack's Alpha.
Gone would be the kindness Sorren showed me, I'm sure he'd be so pissed that I'd run off. Would he hit me? Surely not, he did scare me but did not seem like that kind of man. The car drive was quick much to my dismay. We pulled in to a large house, I did not see Sorren's car but a few others were there all of them unknown to me. Did he run all the way here as a wolf? When we stopped I would have my one chance to get away. I only prayed I could rely on the fact that Kiren would be afraid to hurt me so tackling me or otherwise was out of the question and Vera, she would wish for me to escape.
As soon as Kiren put the car into park I bolted. I opened up the door and jumped out running as fast as I could into the surrounding forest. I was thankful the trees were so thick and I that was so short, so I could avoid most the larger branches with thicker leaves. "Stop!" Kiren screamed. I could hear him close behind me but didn't dare look back. I was worried my previous run through the woods would make me sore and slow me down, but the adrenaline returned. It flowed through my system making the wounds I received from my last run feel non existent.
I felt the cut on my face tear open again but barely winced as I kept pushing myself to go further. I spared a glance over my shoulder and surprisingly did not see Kiran as I suspected, even so I kept running as that only meant Sorren perhaps stopped Kiran's pursuit to begin his own? Would he chase me down as a wolf? The thought terrified me.
I began to grow tired and slowed exponentially trying to listen to footsteps thundering after me. I couldn't keep up this pace. I made it to a large clearing and made my way across before pausing. I turned around looking at the tree line across the small meadow straining to hear any sounds over my loud breath and looked for movement. I decided to take up residence under a big pine tree and give myself a break for a few moments because as far as I could tell the forest was dead quiet. That was my mistake, the forest should never be dead quiet unless in the presence of danger, a predator.
I scrambled to my feet as Sorren walked into the small clearing I found myself in. "Calla." Sorren said. His hair was damp with sweat and his shirt clung to his chest from sweat as well. I moved around the large tree and began my retreat backwards. "You're bleeding, are you alright?" He asked concerned. I rose a hand to the warm liquid which trailed down my cheek, but didn't pay the red blood any mind. The cut on muy cheek must've reopened. "I am so sorry you had to see me shift like that." My lip quivered. "I just could not let him hurt you." Sorren explained.
He took a step closer to me "Stop!" I exclaimed to which he obeyed. I raised a shakey hand "No closer." I ordered. "I understand you are scared of me but I need you to know I would never hurt you." Sorren said cautiously. "But your wolf might." I said trying to keep my voice steady. "That's the whole problem! You, you talk about your wolf as if you're two different people. Like if he did something to me, it is acceptable because it's not you." I exclaimed "You talk about him being displeased with my behavior and your instincts which are driven by him are hard to fight. I don't want to have to worry about you raping me! I don't want you to bite into my neck, I-I." My breathing was ragged "I want to go home! I had a life before you, I have a family, friends who I can't even talk to let alone go see! I was going to attend college and make a life for myself! I want to be more than a mother for kids that I don't want." I clenched my fists so hard that my hands were shaking and my nails dug into my palms sharply.
"And the most fucked up part about you ruining my life? There's a law that says it's okay! What about me? What protects me when you decide to stop fighting your instincts? What happens when your eyes bleed red and you shift to attack me?" Sorren butted in "That won't happen." He said resolutely. "But how could you be sure?" I challenged. "Me having free will already pisses you off, so what if one day you have enough of me?" Sorren shook his head "I'll never have enough of you." He stated with earnest. "I wish you would."
Sorren sunk to his knees slowly "I don't want you to fear me. I am sorry I have made it so." He said. Since he was knelt, it meant it'd take longer for him to get to me when I started to run again. Could I even put enough distance between us with the few second head start? Could I even continue running? I felt so tired. "You're stronger than me, bigger than me and remind me of that fact every time you can. You tell me what's going to happen, you don't ask if it's okay." Recognition seemed to dawn on his face, the full moon last night was fresh in my mind as I'm sure it was in his, he didn't give me a choice to refuse his touch, he only told me it was going to happen. Did he finally realize that my fear was when holding me wasn't enough? When he needed to have sex with me to calm his wolf? "You have taken away all of my choices and I hate you for it." I said watching his face carefully. "I hate you." I repeated still receiving no reaction, he was quiet and his face blank "Say something!" I yelled. Anything but the silence, I needed to be yelled at, something, anything to fuel my anger.
"I said say something!" I screamed. He stayed unmoving with clenched hands at his sides "You don't have anything to say?" I continued on in frustration. "I reject you!" I finally yelled. That seemed to of effected him. His eyes widened as I said that "Calla, don't-" I cut him off. "I don't want you! I don't fucking want you. I reject you!" I doubled over at the stabbing pain in my chest. I cried out at the painful feeling, what was happening? My head was bowed as I groaned in pain and so I did not see Sorren approach. "Don't touch me!" I gasped through the pain he set a hand on my back ignoring what I said.
"Calla it's the bond, I can help you." He said sounding just as panicked as I was. He put his hands under my arms pulling me up straight. I groaned at the movement as he pulled me in close. "No! Stop it!" I yelled he pulled me up into his arms placing my arms around his neck. I struggled against him weakly the searing pain ever present. Sorren began walking presumably back to the car to take me back to his territory. "Let go of me!" I screamed the sharp pain seemed to bloom to life again as I voiced my distain. The pain seemed to of made him faulter in his step, could he feel it too?
After fighting for a few more agonizing moments I relented and was still in his hold. The pain was still present but seemed to of dulled. I gripped at his shoulders tightly due to the pain and of course true to my usual behavior lately cried. With every breath the pain would flare and expand throughout my chest, it was almost unbearable. Suddenly, I could hear other voices. "Alpha Sorren! Is she alright?" It was the voice of a woman, although not Deanna.
"Calla?" Sorren asked addressing me. "She needs something for pain." He said to the woman. "Okay pain, I have a few options but they aren't instant." I could hear glass vials being shuffled around "Something for sleep maybe? That would be instant. Is she breathing okay?" I felt pressure on my wrist and opened my eyes, to see the woman placing two fingers on my wrist to take my pulse. Did she mean a sedative?Something, anything to make me stop feeling. "Put me to sleep." I pleaded. It wasn't a moment later that I felt the sting of a needle and the strange tingling feeling of medicine fogging my senses. I didn't try to fight the drug that entered my system, I let it pull me into unconsciousness without complaint.

Calla Lily
WerewolfCalla Poalto has only ever known a world ruled by wolves and their traditions. On her 20th birthday Calla must become a woman by presenting herself to the council of Alphas so they may determine if she is a mate to one of their pack. She discovers t...