Grilled Cheese ⚪️

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  I stood for a while bare foot in the driveway with Sorren behind me. I turned to him and he looked down at me uncertainly. I was quiet for a few moments. "Why did you invite them?" I asked. "I thought you would want to see them, that it would make you happy." He said. "And that I would forgive you?" I questioned irritated having gone all night without any of the pain medicine prescribed had me quite sore at the moment and more on edge. "No. Although perhaps this can be the beginning of change? I am so sorry for what I did to you and it will not happen again. I meant what I said about phone calls and going to the wedding, although you did not seem to like that idea." I swallowed thickly "I um I don't know if I want you to meet my family. You might...scare them." I said looking to him nervously. "Calla I would never hurt you or anyone you care about." He said with ernest. I put a hand on my stomach "I honestly I did not know this would happen to you, and it should've never happened in the first place. This rejection, I understand that you are angry with me, but maybe we could talk about it?"
  "You want to talk about it?" I questioned dumbly "Yes, you could lay down some boundaries?" My anxiety spiked that was one thing I'd always struggled to do in all relationships within my life. "Boundaries." I echoed. I found myself nodding. "You could talk to my wolf as well, to make sure that he understands although I warn you he is a bit...dense." The thought made me nervous, he would shift into a big wolf and I would have to order him around? I don't think he'd like that very much and might accidentally bite my head off. "I don't want you to shift." I shook my head. "I don't need to shift to allow my wolf to speak." He said surprising me. "Azalea said you're both a man and a wolf. She explained the story of the first wolf. Does that mean you have two people inside you?" I'd been mulling over that question for a long while afraid to know the answer. "Yes. The moon goddess gifted us wolves to protect ourselves and our families." He explained.
  I winced a bit shifting at the uncomfortable pain that seemed to nag at me more and more. "Let's get you inside and get you some medicine." Sorren said aiming to support me. I stepped back from him and he faltered like I'd hit him. Good. We made our way back inside and found Francesca in the kitchen which was all clean with the dishes in the dishwasher. I moved to grab my medicine but Sorren protested "Please, let me get it." I sat down at the island "Your parents are so lovely." Francesca said. I smiled "They are. Even with all the embarrassing stories they like to tell." Francesca smiled "Well, I'll be heading out. See you tomorrow." She said to me and then turned to Sorren with a scowl. She walked out of the kitchen Sorren's eyes on her as he frowned.
  Francesca disappeared through the front door and Sorren turned back to me. "Here you go." He slid over a glass of water and some ibuprofen. I took the medicine and drank some of the water. I thought about my visit with my parents, how quiet Sorren was and how my parents quite openly expressed their anger with him. He deserved it absolutely but still I couldn't help but feel a bit bad for him. His relationship with his family was all but nonexistent. "I'm going to get a shower." Sorren said pushing away from the island "Sorren?" I called as he walked towards the stairs. He stopped and turned to look at me over his shoulder. "It was good to see my parents again." Sorren sent me a small smile and then walked upstairs. It wasn't quite a thank you, but as close as Sorren was going to get at this moment.
  I took to laying on the couch waiting for the medicine to kick in and relieve the cramps I felt. I was attempting to read a book although my eyes felt heavy and soon I was asleep. I had no dreams and just laid in sleep. I opened my eyes to see Sorren covering me with a blanket. His eyes met mine "Are you going to sleep down here?" He asked me. I nodded "I can carry you upstairs." He offered. I shook my head "No, I'm okay here." I said in a sleep heavy voice. "Do you have a heating pad?" I asked him, the cramps seemed to be worse. I was told it would get worse before it got better, for the next few days the internal swelling would remain. "No I don't. Your stomach?" Sorren asked. I nodded.
  "Maybe a warm washcloth? Or I can draw you a hot bath." He offered. A hot washcloth could work, but I didn't want to get wet. "No that's alright." I said curling further into myself and closed my eyes. "My hands are warm." Sorren offered. My eyes popped open looking at his crouched form beside the couch. "What?" I exclaimed. "Alright, maybe not a good suggestion." He said raising his hands in surrender. "I guess I'll try a hot washcloth." I finally said. "Okay." I heard the sink run for a while as Sorren waited for the water to warm. He made his way back over and I pushed the blanket down and rolled onto my back. I pulled up my shirt revealing to Sorren my bruised stomach. He stooped down onto his knees as I slightly pulled down my shorts dangerously low. Sorren placed the cloth onto the bruise with careful hands and pressed onto the cloth softly. His fingers brushed my hip bones and elicited a shiver from me. It felt like electricity tingling through my skin. I swallowed thickly as Sorren removed his hands "Thanks." I said now suddenly more awake. "Of course. Do you need anything else?" He asked me. I shook my head "No. Good night." I said. He nodded "Good night." He width drew his hands and stepped away from the couch surprisingly leaving me alone.
I fell into a deep sleep so much so that I did begin to dream. I was walking through pine trees the distant sound of a stream meeting me kindly. I walked through the trees finding the rays of light a comfort and leading me on my way. The light was cast by the moon, it was full and bright. I stepped out into a clearing and stood amidst fireflies. They seemed to float around flashing their lights similar to stars. I heard a step sound behind me and I turned to find a grey wolf. I jumped at the sight and noted this wolf was smaller than Sorren and was not the same color as the Alpha or his brother who frequently haunted my dreams.
  I watched the unmoving wolf that stood mere feet away from me with caution. After a few moments I took a step forward and so did the wolf I froze again and so did the wolf. It was strange how we both watched each other something almost seemed familiar. I tilted my head to the side in thought and the wolf followed suit. My brow wrinkled in confusion as I tilted my head the other way and again the wolf followed me. In a stupor, I reached out to touch the wolf but before I could my hand met glass. I blinked and suddenly could see this was a mirror I stood before. This wolf was me. As I came to that realization I jerked awake. It was dark and I looked around confused until I realized I was still on the couch downstairs.
  At that realization I laid back down to rest my straining muscles which were quick to remind me of the trauma induced by the Alpha. I could hear footsteps towards the top of the stairs quietly making their way down. "Calla, are you alright?" He asked concerned. "Just a bad dream." I said not moving from my spot. "Do you need anything?" He asked. "What time is it?" Sorren was walking towards the kitchen "it's 2am." He answered. I huffed "I can't take anymore medicine until 4." I said smuggling back under the covers. "Do you want a grilled cheese?" He asked me. My brow furled and I sat up slowly to look at him over the back of the couch "Since Francesca is mad at me, she is trying to starve me." He explained standing with his hands placed on the island.
  He looked so relaxed in the black tshirt and black sweatpants it was strange to see him this way after getting so used to his suits and dress shirts. "You had two plates of spaghetti." I said unimpressed "Well I normally have three." He defended. My lips twitched at the corners, "sure I'll take a grilled cheese." He smiled at that "Perfect."

Hello Readers!

I'm so sorry for the delay! Work has been crazy busy! I hope you all enjoy this chapter I'd love to hear your feedback! As always, thanks for reading.


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