Howls in the Forest ⚫️

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I walked into the house which was eerily quiet no tv or sound of movement. I saw Francesca by the glass doors and spoke up immediately "Where is Calla?" I demanded. Francesca turned towards me and motioned me over "She is outside? Why would you let her-" my voice caught in my throat as I got closer and could make out the faint hum of a song. Her voice sounded heavenly carried on the breeze as it carried her scent deliciously. Even from in here I could smell it and it as intoxicating. "I didn't have the heart to bring her in." Francesca said looking to me sadly. "She is not happy Sorren." I moved away from the window I was not having this conversation right now. "She is upset and homesick," I shook my head "This is her home now." I growled "I know and in time she will see that, I just. Do not let your wolf get the better of you. Her feelings always come first." She said resolutely. "You think I do not know how to control my wolf? How to treat my mate!" I could feel my eyes flash red as I raised my voice and breathed deeply to calm myself down.
Francesca stood unimpressed "Sorren, I have quiet literally helped raise you. I knew you before you could string a sentence together. I know you and how passionate you are which is lovely, however to someone as upset and lonely as Calla it can seem suffocating." I frowned "She shouldn't be lonely. I'm here." Francesca walked over to me and grabbed my hands in her weathered ones "Sorren, from her perspective she is alone. Try to put yourself in her shoes. She had turned twenty with a whole life ahead of her. Perhaps plans to go to university or maybe she already had a job. She has family she told me that much, who are human as she is. She knows not of our instincts and mating bonds fully because she is not a wolf and has only been taught about them in a school program. Be gentle." I huffed "I know she does not have a wolf that's why I am taking it slow! I am being gentle! But she is infuriating and tests my patience! My wolf he-" Francesca cut me off "Does not control you. You are not a young pup anymore Sorren, you are in your hundreds, and an Alpha, and now you are a mate." I clenched my jaw and nodded once. She was right and somehow saw right through me to my real fear as always. I control my wolf.
"Right, now I am going to leave. Dinner is in the oven just turn it on to 350 for thirty minutes when you both decide you are hungry. Francesca moved to get her bag "And Sorren?" I turned towards her "Let the girl go outside." I frowned as the old woman left. She is still meddlesome as ever.
I turned back to the glass door and watched as Calla's chest rose and fell slowly, was she asleep? I opened the door quietly and made my way out into the yard. As I got closer it was confirmed that she was indeed sleeping. She looked utterly at peace. Her lashes brushed the tops of her cheeks and faint freckles could be seen dotted across her cheeks and nose I am sure that during the height of summer they are displayed vibrantly in the warm rays of the sun. Her hair a mix of light browns and blonde glistening in the sun she was stunning as when I first saw her.
I decided I'd let her sleep since she did not do so at night. She tossed and turned constantly and woke up frequently searching the room as if she had a bad dream and is searching for a monster. I knew searching for me I am her monster. I shied the thought from my head and sat down beside her.
I placed my hand in the grass next to her small thin fingers almost close enough to touch and looked out into the forest. I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds of the wood. I felt myself relax as all I heard for miles was the sound of nature. I sat like that for a long time until I the sun began to set and the temperature began to drop.
Calla shivered and I figured that it was time to bring her inside. I was about to wake her up when her eyes fluttered open her hazel orbs searching her surroundings until they landed on me. She looked at me for a moment unspeaking until finally her lips moved "What time is it?" Her voice was heavy with sleep and I swallowed thickly it sounded heavenly. "It's six thirty." I answered. She hummed in response and stretched her arms above her groaning as she did so a sound that stirred my wolf, mine he growled.
  "How was your day?" I settled on asking. "Fine. I read alot." She answered. "What do you think of Francesca?" I then asked. "She's, nice." At her tone I could tell she didn't care for her. Perhaps Francesca had a talk with her about me. I chuckled as she said that "You don't like her." I nodded. She looked panicked "I never said that." I shrugged "You didn't have to." I paused looking out into the trees "You know she often has that effect on people. She likes to know what is going on in detail." I shook my head as I thought about the old woman.
  Calla said nothing her eyes on the changing sky. "So you don't like her?" I shook my head "I never said that." I rebutted using her statement from moments before. Something she picked up on if her huff was any consultation. "She helped raise me so she is family." I watched Callas reaction as she took that information in. "Hence, I can't escape her ever."
  It was quiet for a while until she spoke changing the subject "The sky is pretty." she said as the blue has now bled into pink, purple, and orange. "I suppose this sunset is eye catching." I agreed laying back to gaze at it with her. A sudden howling cut through the air and Calla's heart beat spiked. She sat up quickly looking into the woods as did I. I was suddenly mind linked and told by my beta that we had a new shifter. That was alarming the next full moon was in three weeks. First time shifters always shifted then due to the moons pull. After the initial change the first few full moons would force a change and in time wolves gain the ability to resist the pull and change on our own will.
  I mind linked Jaden and told him I would be there shortly. "It's okay Calla. Let's go inside." I said looking to her. I felt her anxiety and panic as her heart beat rapidly. She nodded rising and making her way towards the house. I entered behind her "I have to go take care of a few things. Leave all of the doors locked and stay here." Calla frowned "Because of the howl? What did they say?" She asked. "That howl is from a new shifter. Jaden told me that he is there now but an Alpha must be present for a wolfs first shift to walk them through it."
  "Jaden talked to you when?" She asked confused "A Wolfpack is very close to each other therefore we can link our minds and send messages to each other." Calla's mouth formed a perfect O in her shock. "I will be back soon. Calla I'm serious stay here." She nodded in understanding and with that I left "I will be back soon." I mind linked a Jaden. "I'm on my way. Head over to my house and make sure Calla stays put." I told him. He responded obediently and moved to do as I ordered. I only hoped that she listened to me.

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