Find her ⚫️

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My teeth sunk into Aziel's neck to smother his attempt in dominating me. I was the bigger wolf, the older brother, the Alpha rightfully after my father stepped down. Aziel challenged me before and I'd banished him from the pack land because of it effectively breaking my family apart as I did so. My parents went with him as I'd sentenced him to essentially death. Wolves are social creatures and without a pack will die in isolation. My parents believe that I was too harsh on him, that I should allow him to live within the pack as others were that had challenged me previously. That was not an option for Aziel and he made sure of it, what he did was unforgivable. His challenge was not a fair one, his challenge involved the conspiracy of two others who were killed because of their treachery.
Aziel attacked people I care for that are friends, family. Jaden and his mate will have scars forever from my brother as will I. Aziel doesn't get to talk to Calla or to look at her, I will not let him hurt her too. I hold back nothing as I trample him and throw him under me to tear at him with my claws. He turned to bolt from me but I tackled him once again, our bodies rolling through the trees and out into the open expanse of my back yard. Aziel is mortally hurt I know that when after a few tumbles he begins to transform back into a man. It is a show of deep wounds and of submission, a white flag showing that I am still the dominate, the Alpha.
He lay naked and bloody on the grass staring up at the sky. I shifted back and walked over towards him "I have told you what would happen if you entered my land without my permission unsupervised." I then heard my father's voice from behind me. "He is not unsupervised." I looked over my shoulder to find him and my mother standing on my back porch. I turned back to my brother "If you ever talk to my mate again, I will kill you. You don't fucking touch her or look at her
I. will. kill. you. This is your only warning, do you understand?" Aziel laid looking up at me, his previous laid back demeanor gone as he nodded a few times in acknowledgement. "I want a verbal answer." I demanded. "I understand." He said weakly.
I looked back towards the woods and inhaled deeply finding that Calla's scent had faded. My wolf stirred to be released,  we had to find her she was scared out of her mind I could feel it. She feared me before she saw my wolf but I couldn't imagine now. That is not how I wanted her to see me for the first time. I shifted to allow myself to find her quickly. The sun was almost set and the forest was dark, she couldn't of gotten far. A breeze blew through the trees and carried her scent. I followed it quickly down the mountain.
The further down I got, the more worried I was. I could see the remnants of broken branches and a few petite muddy footprints that were hers. I was surprised she'd made it so far from the stream, I was at least a mile and a half if not two miles away from the water and still following her trail. I could hear a car in the distance and a sense of dread settled within me. There was no way she made it all the way to the road. I sped up my pace, her scent proving me wrong as I leaped down onto the burm of the road. I could smell her blood, she was hurt. I stepped out into the road and smelled her fading scent, she was heading in the direction of town. "Jaden." I mind linked my Beta pacing the road. I received no response.
I could make out another scent over her intoxicating one, it was a wolf not of this pack. "Jaden." I called again. An approaching car got louder and I shifted standing in the middle of the road causing the car to come to a screeching halt. It was about 5 miles back to my house and I needed to find Calla now. The driver got out of the car "A-Alpha!" He bowed "Are you hurt?" It was a male pack member, a solider whom I've worked with before. "I need to use your phone." The man looked at me stunned before nodding. He scrambled back to his car and grabbed his phone handing it to me quickly. "I have clothes in the back." He opened his trunk as I dialed Jaden's number. "Hello?" He answered uncertain "This is Sorren. Since your mind is apparently occupied, I figured I would try the old fashioned way. Calla is gone." The man made his way towards me with a flannel that would be much too small for me and some grey joggers that might work. "I'm sorry Sorren. Where are you right now?" Jaden asked. "I'm about to drive to your house. I need pants, a shirt, and some shoes. She was picked up by another wolf and she is injured." Jaden sighed deeply "Okay. I will get clothes ready for you. Azalea!" Jaden called out and I hung up the phone.
  I handed it back to the wolf standing by his car. "Do you need a ride Alpha?" I nodded making my way to the passenger seat. "We are going to Beta Jaden's house." The wolf climbed in and we were off. I was fuming so much so that the wolf that was driving me coward behind the steering wheel.
  As we neared town I inclined my head "Take a left here and follow the road until I tell you to turn." The wolf nodded. "What is your name?" I asked turning to see his tanned face which was covered in stubble. "Quinn." He answered "Quinn Geoffrey." I hummed in response quiet for a moment. "Take a right." Quinn obeyed and we turned onto the lane leading to Jaden's house.
  "What I talked about with my Beta, and what you've done to help me are not to be spoken about with anyone. Understand?" Quinn nodded "Yes Alpha y-youre not even here right now." Quinn joked shakily laughing to try to dispel the tension. "If word gets out about my current predicament, I know that it will of come from you and I will find you and I will kill you Quinn Geoffrey and then I will exile your family." Quinn swallowed thickly as we pulled up to Jaden's house. "Do I make myself clear?" The man nodded frantically "Yes Alpha." I gave him one last look before opening the door. "Good. Thank you for the ride and the pants." Quinn was still nodding as I shut the door. I turned to make my way onto the porch finding Azalea in the door way. "Goodness Sorren! Jaden told me what happened, he didn't say you were injured!" I looked down at my chest which was covered in blood.
  "Most of it isn't mine." I grunted walking past her into the house. "Let me clean you up." She fussed running into the kitchen. Azalea is one of the pack doctors, she had seen me up countless times before as I often went to her to avoid adding to the pack gossip through the other doctors. I followed and found Jaden with clothes in hand. "Holy shit Sorren what happened?" I sat down at the island and allowed Azalea to wipe my chest. "Aziel payed me a visit." My two friends exchanged a worried glance. "He came alone?" Jaden asked cautiously. "With my parents. Apparently my absence has not been acceptable to my father. They all thought something was wrong, he found me and Calla in the forest." I clenched my fists in anger "He had the fucking audacity to speak to her after what he did to you two. He was playing his games, he has her as a target now I know it." The look he gave me and the way he talked, he wanted to split us up. He'd done it before and nearly succeeded in killing Azalea and Jaden although he had outside help. I knew next time he payed a visit, he would have others to help him.
  My chest was clean and a few of the deep gashes now had bandages covering them. "Where do you think she has gone?" Azalea asked. "I'm not sure but I think I know where she is going, the only place runaway mates are safe." Azalea and Jaden looked at me concerned. The islands were safe havens untouched by pack laws, if a mate made it there they could essentially disappear. I'd heard stories of mates missing for many many years, and since Calla was human, I didn't have 50 years to find her. "She has a few hour head start and it might be enough. In the span of an hour she made it a little over 5 miles through the woods with no shoes on. Then she got a ride with a wolf who is not from this pack." 
  I grabbed the clothes from Jaden but stopped when Azalea stayed a fact I knew all too well "You fought him infront of her, she must be terrified." She said. "She is." I confirmed.

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