Moving in ⚪️

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  My eyes opened slowly the dryness of them like sand paper. My head thumped like a heart beat and my body as a whole felt exhausted. I slept surprisingly good last night and awoke to find myself still in Alpha Sorren's room much to my dismay. I was hoping that somehow it was all a nightmare but I couldn't be so lucky. It was quiet when I woke up and I stayed still silently hoping that the Alpha was gone and I was alone but not willing to investigate in fear of him being here waiting for me to wake up. I didn't want to move yet or interact with anyone let alone him.
I laid for a while trying to overcome the sharp pain in my head and complete lack of motivation to get up but found none. I didn't even have to pee. "Calla?" I stayed unmoving as Sorrens voice met my ears. "Would you like some breakfast?" I rolled over towards his voice. "My head hurts." I said my voice heavy with sleep. "I can make breakfast for us and then give you some medicine. Anything In particular? I can make you eggs, toast, and some bacon."
"I only like eggs with cheese." I stated. "Okay, I can do that." He stood there for a few moments looking at me before making his way from the room. I couldn't believe I let myself get like that infront of him. I could never let that happen again, I couldn't afford to be so vulnerable. I let my eyes wander around the ceiling the white plaster unamusing as I stared at it trying to motivate myself to get up.
What finally made me get up was the fact that I did not want him to approach the bed I laid in it was too intimate. I sat up and slowly made it to the edge of the bed. I then moved to the bathroom wincing at the bright light of the room. My reflection showed exactly how I felt in that moment and to say I looked good was a lie. My hair was a mess the braids I had in it yesterday that were twisted into a bun was now disheveled and looked like a jagged mess. My skin looked pale and the dark circles under my eyes were as dark as I'd ever seen them which only enhanced the look of my swollen eyes. I looked like shit and felt like it.
Going back into the bedroom I pulled aside the curtain and found a dense forest of pines and maple trees. It was admittedly beautiful, and secluded. I then made my way down the hallway and out into the bright interior of the open house. I rubbed at my eyes as my headache intensified and then made my way down the stairs.
Sorren was in the kitchen and now having located him in the house I felt better, I knew where the predator was. I walked into the living room and over to the windows that were nothing but black from the night before. On the front side of the house the view was beautiful. It was down into the valley below miles and miles of forest surrounding the town in the valley. Mountains could be seen in the distance rising up tall as I'm sure the one the house was on was tall too.
"It's a beautiful view." Sorren said his back still to me as he stood at the stove. He looked strange doing something so domestic. As a large Alpha it was hard to picture him doing anything other than violent and aggressive things. I'd always assumed Alphas had people to do mundane things for them but I guess I was wrong.
I stood staring at the view a while longer before making my way over to the island where a pharmacy bag sat. I opened it to find Advil as well as migraine pills. "Are those medicines sufficient?" He asked me as I read the words human printed on the bottles. Wolf medicine was too concentrated and could easily cause an overdose. This concentration was due to their body chemistry being different and required much more medicine to actually make an effect. "Yeah they'll work." I nodded to myself in approval and set them on the counter. I took a seat in the stool I sat in for dinner last night. "Here you are." Sorren said turning with a plate of cheesy eggs, toast, and bacon.
"Orange juice?" He asked pouring a glass "Just water. I don't like orange juice." He poured me a glass of water came around to the other side of the island and sat down beside me. "I've taken the next few days off." Sorren said after a few minutes of silence. That's just wonderful I thought, I'd rather be alone to perhaps escape. I turned to look at him "Why?"
"So I can help you settle in, so you are not alone." He answered. I ate slowly a contrast to him as almost all of his plate of food was gone and we had just started eating. "I'm not going to settle in." I shook my head. "You will, I'll make sure of it." The way he said it almost sounded like a threat to me I was unsure if he meant it to be one or not. "My Beta has gathered some of your personal items. He will be bringing them in soon."
"He went to my house?" Alpha Sorren nodded "Yes to retrieve your clothes." I frowned "My parents." I began "Are fine." He reiterated. The fact he relayed to me last night about them moving on okayed over in my mind and resulted in my silence. "How are he eggs? Did I add enough cheese?" Alpha Sorren asked. "Yes, they taste good," he smiled as I said that "I'm glad." His own breakfast was virtually gone as I became full. The portion size he gave me was far too large. "Done already?" He asked surprised. "It's a lot of food." I looked down to the mountain of eggs and pile of sausage. He had to of made the whole dozen between the two of us and the sausage.
  "I apologize I suppose I am use to cooking for myself. Wolves metabolism are quicker, although I can't help but think you ate less than even a human should. Can you eat more?" My surprised gaze turned to him was he really trying to get me to eat more? Like I was a child. "No," I said resolutely. "I'll eat the rest of it," Alpha Sorren said sliding the plate over to himself. He picked up the fork I was using and began eating quickly. I looked over in mild disgust, sure eat the rest of my food, but off of my fork? It felt way too intimate. He saw me looking at him and cleared his throat "Mates often share food." He explained "It pleases my wolf and I hate to waste food." He added the last part on I'm sure for good measure.
  Suddenly there was a knock on the door "That'll be my Beta." Alpha Sorren got up and made his way to the door. I made my way over behind him curious as to who his Beta was. "Good morning Alpha." The man was tall and built like most all Beta's however also like most Beta's he was not as large as his Alpha. "Jaden." Alpha Sorren greeted. "I have-" The Beta who I now know was called Jaden stopped talking when he saw me. "Hello Luna! It is so nice to meet you!" I frowned at what he called me. Luna. That is my title since I am mated to an Alpha. It never even occurred to me that I now was to hold some position of power in the pack, me, a human. My eyes caught Alpha Sorren's as he seemed to turn to me and take in my reaction at being called Luna.
"Calla is fine," I said with a small unconvincing smile. "The names Jaden I am Beta." He said with a smile moving to step into the house as Sorren stepped aside. It was then I noticed the suitcases that he held. Two large ones that were indeed mine. "There's more in the car." Jaden stated. I took a step to follow him but Sorren stopped me "I've got it." He said blocking my way to the door. "It's fine I can help." I insisted I wanted to go outside. "No. Stay here." He ordered.
  As he walked out of the front door I huffed and then made my way out of course. As I walked down the front steps and towards the black sedan Alpha Sorren turned with a two boxes in hand. "Calla." He snapped as he saw me making my way across the pavement of the driveway. I reached into the car and grabbed my book bag and my record player. Thank god he grabbed that, I'm sure I had my parents to thank for that.
  I turned to see Alpha Sorren still standing there tense "Come on." He said eyes trained on me intently. He made me walk infront of him and I sighed "I just wanted to feel the sun." It was a nice day the heat of the day just beginning. I readjusted my grip on the record player as I made my way into the living room. "Is that too heavy?" Alpha Sorren asked concerned "Here." The boxes were dropped with a thud and suddenly Alpha Sorren's hands were on mine intent on taking the record player from me.
  "What? No stop it's not heavy," I huffed in annoyance as he took it from me anyway and set it in the coffee table. "You can come outside but let Jaden and I lift everything." I glanced to Jaden who look amused with the whole situation and decided I should just walk out now while I still had the chance. "It's my stuff, I've lifted it all before." Sorren leveled a glare "Drop it." He said stopping on the front porch that I stood on. Jaden walked past and kept his gaze straight as he did so. "Yes Alpha." I challenged. Night was his domain but the day? The day was mine.

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