In the Underworld

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When she reached the bottom step, Maleficent was left speechless; she had finally arrived in the Underworld... and it was much grimmer, darker, and more macabre than she thought. But nevertheless, she was entranced. She felt a slight chill up her back as she gazed out at the River of Souls, unable to find the right words.

"Diablo... we're here." She said in awe.

"Excuse me?" A craggily voice asked.

Maleficent turned her head to see the ferryman of the Underworld, Charon, standing in his boat and waiting for his next passenger. Charon was exactly like he did in the book; tall, thin, gray complexion, skin and bones, and a large skull for a head.

"You're not dead. Who are you and what brings you here?" He said.

"Forgive me, but I am Maleficent and I'm here to set the Lord of the Dead free." Maleficent answered.

"Set him free?"

"Yes." She showed him the message. "I've found this inscription earlier this evening and I must see it to the end."

"Hmm, I see." Charon took a good look at Maleficent, unsure of whether to believe her. "...How do I know I can trust you?"

"I may seem untrustworthy and I can understand that, but I give you my word that I truly mean you no harm, Sir Charon. And I never go back on my word."

Diablo nodded his head in agreement. The ferryman scratched his chin in thought for half a minute before making his decision.

"...Very well, Miss Maleficent. I will take you to the Well of Souls. That was where Lord Hades was banished when Hercules defeated him." He said, offering his hand to the dark fairy.

"Thank you." She took his hand and settled into the boat.

"Off we go."

And at that moment, the boat slowly made its way down the river towards the lair of Hades. They even rode past Cerberus, Hades' giant three-headed guard dog, who growled and snarled at the living intruder. Diablo cried out in fear and hid behind his mistress for protection, but Maleficent gave the hound the darkest glare she could muster and that was enough to make Cerberus back off and allow them to go on their way. Meanwhile in the lair, two winged imps, one blue and thin and one pink and round, were sitting on a large stone throne and reading what looked like a Grecian magazine.

"Pain, did you take the body image quiz again?" The blue imp asked.

"Sure did, Panic. Apparently, I'm a pomegranate shape this time." The pink imp replied.

"Yeah, I can believe that."

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing! I'm just saying—"

Then they heard a bell ringing, which made them jump.

"What was that?" Pain asked.

"Another new soul?" Panic suggested.

"No idea."

"Here we are." Charon's voice said.

"Thank you, Sir Charon." A new voice replied; it didn't sound familiar to Pain and Panic at all. All they knew was that it was feminine.

"Is that Charon?" Panic asked in a whisper.

"Yeah, it is. But who's he talking to?" Pain quietly asked.

"Beats me."

The imps peeked their heads out of the window to see a dark figure climbing out of Charon's boat. They gasped.

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