The First Dance of the Evening

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"Well, well..." Hades said, sounding coy.

Maleficent turned her head and smiled as she saw Hades approach her. She quickly hid the Ember of Blue from his view in the folds of her skirt, not wanting to spoil the surprise she had planned for him. She stepped down onto the floor and gave him a curtsy.

"My liege." She said.

"Milady." Hades greeted with a bow.

After a moment, the two of them burst into a fit of giggles before they stood straight.

"I'm so glad you made it. For a minute, I thought you wouldn't show." Hades said with a grin.

"Are you joking? I wouldn't miss this for the world." Maleficent replied before she got a better look at Hades' outfit. She smirked, looking impressed. "My, that is quite the ensemble you're wearing."

"Oh this? Thanks. A friend made it for me. And you... you look... Wow."

"What? Do I look silly?"

"What? No! No way! I-I mean, you look... amazing."

"I do? Why... thank you." The dark fairy smiled as a blush started to form on her cheeks.

Hades cleared his throat as the redness in his face started to fade. "So, uh... you, um... you, uh... you wouldn't wanna dance... would you?"

"I wouldn't?"

"Eh, I didn't think so."

"No, no. I mean... yes, I'd love to."

In a gentlemanly manner, he offered her his handwhich she promptly took, and he slowly led her out onto the dance floor; someof the guests who were watching the exchange even moved out of their way tomake a path for them. Nyx quickly took notice and whispered something to theMuses and her band. She snapped her fingers and, as if on cue, the Muses andthe Charites started to sing as if they were in a choir while the band, led byErebus, picked up their instruments and started to play. Hades led Maleficentto the middle of the dance floor; they faced each other and he held a hand at herhip as she placed a hand on his shoulder. Then as the music slowly progressed,the pair started elegantly moving across the floor together in an upbeat waltz.Hades hadn't danced in centuries, but that didn't seem to stop him frompractically gliding across the ballroom with Maleficent at his side. Theirmovements were so graceful and in sync that it was almost like a dream.

As the pair of them danced, the other guests watched the couple with curious expressions; they were all whispering to each other about who this stranger was, how the Lord of the Dead knew her, and why he wanted to dance with her. But they either didn't notice or didn't care; Maleficent and Hades just tuned everyone else out and stared into each other's eyes as they got more and more into their dance. From their view, Zeus, Hera, Herc, Meg, and Rhea were watching Hades dance with this beautiful stranger in astonishment.

"Would you look at that...?" Zeus whispered to his wife in awe.

"I know. She must be the one." Hera quietly gushed with a proud smile.

"Well, what do you know..." Meg commented.

"Yeah, who'd have thought it?" Herc said, taking a hold of his wife's hand.

Rhea just stared at her son and his mysterious dance partner with a look of skepticism and distrust. She said nothing and narrowed her eyes, which were now like burning embers. As the music slowly faded to a stop, Hades and Maleficent gave each other a bow as the audience clapped their hands in applause. They shot up in surprise and looked around.

"Everyone is staring at us." Maleficent said.

"Yeah... I kinda forgot anybody else was here." Hades chuckled before turning his attention to the guests. "Hey, what are you all waiting around for? How about another dance? Maybe something a bit... jazzier?" He gave Nyx a wink and she quickly understood. "Now let's rock this joint!"

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