The Wager

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"Okay, so let me get this straight." Hades said, taking a swig from his glass. He and Maleficent were sitting across from each other at a table near a window looking out at the River of Souls, dining on a meal that Hades had just prepared. Maleficent had just finished telling him her story. "You cursed an infant princess, ensnared an entire castle in black thorns, turned every living being in the kingdom to stone statues, and transformed into a giant fire breathing dragon... all because you weren't invited to a party?"

"I know it sounds rather strange and petty, but it's true. A matter of principle, if you will." Maleficent casually replied.

"Eh, whatever works for you, I guess. But you know something? I feel as though this golden haired princess of yours kinda reminds me of my nephew Jerkules. I mean seriously, whenever that kid was around, he made me so mad I was practically ripping my flame out. That kid was basically driving me meshugah." He took a bite from his food.

"Jerku... Oh yes, Hercules, the eldest son of Zeus and Hera and the God of Heroes."

Hades paused, nearly choking on his food. "...Excuse me?"

"You don't know? After Hercules and Megara were married, they lived a full happy life together, had children of their own, and when their time had come, they ascended to Olympus."

"BOTH of them?"

"Indeed they did. Hercules is the God of Heroes and Megara is the Goddess of Inner Strength. Not only that, but Zeus and Hera also bore more children, five more to be exact."

"Herc and Meg? Gods?!" Hades sat in bewilderment, putting a hand to his head. "And FIVE more Zeus and Hera juniors?! Geez Louise, those two are breeding like rabbits!"

"Life happens to everyone."

"But... how exactly do you know all of this?"

"I read it in a book." Maleficent swallowed a bite of meat. "Oh, mmmm! This is so good, probably the best thing I have ever tasted in my life!"

"Really?" Hades asked, sounding a tad shocked. She nodded and took another bite. "Oh, thank you! Finally, somebody who actually appreciates my cooking!"

Maleficent chuckled. "And may I be honest with you? I had no idea the God of the Underworld could cook."

"Well, cooking is more of a casual hobby for me, really. I might be a little rusty, but I like to think I did pretty well with this dinner." He took a bite from his own meal.

"Pretty well? I say this is exquisite!"

"Thank you! It's not every day I meet a lady of such refinement. Oh! And allow me to top of your glass."

Hades' right arm turned into a wisp of gray smoke, grabbed a pitcher from the middle of the table, and poured some more nectar into Maleficent's glass. She took a sip.

"Why thank you very much, my lord. I haven't felt such hospitality in a long time." She said as she finished her meal.

"Like I said, I haven't had any real guests in a while. And I don't think I have ever met a woman as unique and as interesting as you." Hades said, setting the pitcher back on the table.

'Not to mention, beautiful.' He thought.

"This is certainly not what I have grown accustomed to, but after so many years of darkness and misery, I believe things are finally going my way."

"Years of darkness and misery? Okay, sure."

Hades chuckled under his breath; Pain and Panic, who were standing nearby, stifled their giggles. Maleficent picked up on it immediately; she slowly got up from her chair and walked closer to Hades, looking him in the eye. Hades stopped laughing, which made the two imps stop laughing as well.

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