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And that's exactly what he did. Hades told all of the Gods and Goddesses in attendance everything that happened to him from the moment he was released from the Well. He told them about how he met Maleficent, the bet they made, how he'd go out once a week to see her, and how she would teach him how to perform dark fairy magic whenever he'd visit her. By the end of it all, the other deities sat in their seats in silence; they definitely weren't expecting to hear a story like that. They all looked at each other, then back at Hades.

"...Is this true?" Lethe, the Guardian of the River of Forgetfulness, asked.

Hades sighed. "Yes."

"So this Maleficent... was never a Goddess?" Hecate asked. "She was a dark fairy who was temporarily turned into one? Just to see what being a Goddess was like?"

"Pretty much."

"And during that time, you've been out in another land as... a dark fairy?"


A few long seconds of silence passed. Then all of a sudden, Hecate burst into hysterical laughter; eventually, Macaria, Melinoe, Zagreus, Eris, the Lampades, and a few others started laughing along with her. Hades blushed and put his hands over his face in embarrassment while Thanatos came over to his friend.

"Oh my Gods, you lived as a FAIRY?!" Zagreus chortled.

"A fairy of all things?! That is too funny!" Eris shrieked.

"Did you have little wings and a magic wand?" Macaria mocked.

"And were you super tiny and wearing a pretty dress?" Melinoe taunted.

"Hey! For your information, the boss looked NOTHING like that as a dark fairy!" Panic pointed out.

"Yeah! He had no wings, he wore cool darker clothes, he was carrying a scepter, and he had a pair of ram horns on the top of his head!" Pain added.

"Hold up! He had HORNS?!" Hecate just laughed even harder.

Hades was so embarrassed that he just wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. That was when a God with flowing black hair, a goatee beard, and blue eyes grabbed a glass and slammed it onto the table and screamed,


Luckily, that was enough to make Hecate and her lackeys stop laughing. The God who screamed got up and strode over to Hades and said, "That is enough from all of you. You are all grown Gods, start ACTING like it."

"Yes, Erebus is correct." Rhadamanthus chimed in, nodding his head at the God of Darkness. He turned to Hecate. "Now I suggest you all sit back down and stay silent until the end of the meeting or else."

Not wanting to get on the bad side of Rhadamanthus or his brothers, Hecate and everyone else who laughed nervously sat back down and stayed quiet from that moment on. Hades looked at the three stone men.

"Thanks." He said.

"You're welcome." Minos, the stone guardian with the helmet, said. "Now, you were saying, Hades?"

"Frankly, I'm not sure there's much else to say." He said. "I mean, being a dark fairy was pretty hard, even if it was for less than a day. And I'm glad to be myself again, to be honest."

"Well, I say it's great to have you back, Hades. Some of us have really missed you." A woman with blue skin, long dark hair, and golden eyes said.

"Aw. Thanks, Nyx." Hades said bashfully.

"Yes, things around here have never been the same since you left. And we're all glad our true Lord of the Dead has returned at last." Styx said. "And that brings us to the second topic we need to discus." She turned back to Hades. "Hades, you remember how you nephew, Hercules, first banished you, yes?"

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