Saving the Gods

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While Meg and Persephone were talking and the three Fairies were helping Hades escape, Margalo had caught a cloud and rode it straight to the Pantheon and what she saw gave the young Goddess the shock of her life. True to the Good Fairies' word, the Pantheon was infested with monsters, spiders, and snakes and every God and Goddess as far as she could see was held captive while they were being played with by whichever monster was guarding them. She shivered at the sight of the numerous reptiles and the eight-legged critters all in varying sizes; some were still quite small, others were the same size as a cat or a dog, and a few were even the size of a rhinoceros or an elephant.

"Spiders and snakes. Why did it have to be spiders and snakes?" She asked herself as she maneuvered her cloud around the Pantheon to make sure she wasn't seen.

Making sure the coast was clear, she then ducked underneath a table to hide; luckily, it had a long tablecloth so no one could see her right away. Margalo slowly lifted up the tablecloth a tiny bit and took a peek.

'Mother, father, Herc; everyone is captured.' She thought before ducking back under the table when a cobra started to look her way.

She held her knees close to her chest and, trying her best not to scream at the top of her lungs, whispered, "I've gotta do something... but what? I'm not strong like dad or Herc or Kratos, fast like Artemis or Hermes or Nike, tactical like Athena or Ares, and I'm nowhere near as powerful as mom or any of the primordials. What am I gonna do?"

Just then she heard panicked whispering coming from her right; she carefully followed the sound to a cloud bank next to her hiding spot. She poked her head out from under the table and moved a few clouds aside to see Pain and Panic freaking out while Dementia was desperately trying to keep them quiet. Margalo then grabbed all three imps by their tails and pulled them out of the cloud and under her table. She quickly covered their mouths before any of them could scream.

"Shush! Don't blow our cover!" She hissed as she slowly removed her hands from their mouths.

"Hey, I know you. You're Margalo, Zeus and Hera's youngest girl, right?" Dementia asked.

"Yeah." Margalo replied with a blush. "And judging by your impish looks, I can only assume you three are minions of my Uncle Hades."

"That's us." Pain said proudly.

"Wait... you haven't been captured! You haven't been caught!" Panic cried before Dementia quickly shut him up.

"Dude, SHUT UP! Do you want us to get caught?!" She hissed; Panic shook his head no. "Then be QUIET." She turned back to Margalo. "But that does raise the question: how come you weren't caught by those things?"

"I was out helping Meg on Earth." Margalo replied. "And speaking of which, she's distracting Persephone right now."

"But what's Persephone up to?" Pain asked.

"And what does she want with the boss?" Panic added, removing Dementia's hand from his mouth.

"Persephone is holding him hostage in one of the guest rooms and she's keeping him there until he agrees to marry her. But of course, he refused because he loves Maleficent and not Persephone and now she's forcing him to marry her tomorrow. But those three fairies convinced me and Meg to help. So that's what I'm trying to do now... except I don't have a plan."

Dementia then paused and momentarily left her hiding spot. About a minute later, she came back with a cunning smile on her face. Margalo, Pain, and Panic gave her confused looks.

"Maybe you don't have a plan, but I do." She said before pulling her companions in a huddle to whisper her idea to them.

As Lamia was lounging about and casually filing her nails, she suddenly felt something hit her in the side of the head with a thump followed by a squishing sound. She felt the spot where she was hit and saw that it was cream; she was hit in the face with a creampuff. She furrowed her brow and scanned the area, searching for the culprit. Then her eyes fell on Empusa who leaning against the dessert buffet table.

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