The Reign of Persephone

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By the time Flora, Fauna, Merryweather, Pain, Panic, and Dementia made it to the gates of Olympus, it was already midnight. They used Hades' chariot to fly themselves to the top of the mountain as fast as they possibly could, but having six drivers driving the same vehicle at the same time caused a very bumpy ride for everyone on board. Then, at last, they finally made it. The whole group climbed out of the chariot, dizzy and on the verge of throwing up.

"Pain, never, ever, ever, EVER let me behind the reins again." Panic said, holding back his vomit.

"Noted." Pain added while he was on the verge of gagging.

"This is it." Flora said as she and her sisters stared up at the golden gates.

"I can hardly believe we're here." Fauna said, starry-eyed.

"Guys, focus. We're not here to play tourist. We need to find the boss and get out of here." Dementia said.

"But how are we supposed to find him?" Merryweather asked.

"Yeah, Olympus is huge. He could be anywhere." Pain chimed in.

"Um, pardon me. But are the gates of Mt. Olympus usually covered in giant spider webs?" Fauna nervously asked as she tied Gotham's reins to a nearby cloud column.

"Spider webs?" Dementia, Pain, and Panic asked before they flew up the stairs. Pain and Panic tried their hardest to open the gates, but nothing they did worked; this spider silk keeping the gate shut was as strong as cement.

Merryweather approached them and asked, "Anything?"

"Nope." Pain and Panic sighed.

"Good." Dementia commented.

"Huh?" Her coworkers asked.

"Guys, we don't need to go through the gates. We just need to get in through there." The little purple imp pointed to a small opening in the upper right hand corner closest to the gate. She turned to the Fairies. "You got the bracelet?" They nodded as Flora took the Dragon's Eye Opal bracelet out from the folds of her cloak and showed it to her. "Great. Let's go." She, Pain, and Panic then transformed into bugs while the three Fairies shrank down to the same size and they all flew up to the opening with the magical bracelet in tow.

As they flew, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather stared in awe at the world around them; they could hardly believe that they were at the very top of Mount Olympus. There were houses, temples, and palaces made of cloud as far as the eye can see; even at night, it was beautiful.

"So gorgeous!" Flora exclaimed.

"Incredible!" Fauna cried.

"There are no words!" Merryweather added.

"Ladies, focus!" Dementia hissed before she surveyed her surroundings. "It's awfully quiet. Normally, there'd be a party or something going on, usually planned by Bacchus."

"So where is everybody?" Fauna asked.

"Maybe everyone went to bed?" Panic asked.

"Wait." Pain suddenly stopped flying, which made everyone else stop too. "Do you hear that?"

"Hear what, dear?" Flora asked as she and her sisters each put a hand to their ears.

"I hear it too." Panic commented.

"Is that... music?" Dementia asked.

"It's coming from the Pantheon." Pain said, pointing a finger in a different direction.

"Maybe Hades is there. Let's go." Merryweather replied as she flew towards the Pantheon; her companions quickly followed after her.

As carefully and quietly as possible, the group flew over to the Pantheon and snuck in through an open window and what they saw made their jaws hit the floor. There was a party going on, but this party was far from a normal Greek God party; the Sirens and Gorgons were singing and dancing to loud music, Empusa, Lamia, and Arachne were eating and gossiping with one another and every God and Goddess of Olympus, including Zeus, was tied up and guarded by either a giant spider or an enormous snake. And at the front of the Pantheon was Persephone lounging on her new throne, eating pomegranates and drinking wine, and laughing with Hecate who was sitting in another cloud throne right beside her. Pain, Panic, Dementia, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather gasped in shock and terror.

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