A Trap For Hades

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"Do we really have to go this fast?" Panic nervously asked as he and Pain clung onto the chariot for dear life; Hades was driving his chariot even faster than it's ever flown before and Pain and Panic were not enjoying the flight.

"Yeah, I think I'm about to invent air sickness." Pain moaned, sounding a bit sick.

"There's no time to lose, boys! We gotta hurry!" Hades argued, keeping his eyes on the dark sky ahead of him.

"Are you sure we'll find it?" Pain asked.

"What if we got lost?" Panic added.

"Don't worry. I know where I'm going." The flame-haired God scanned the area until he spotted a familiar forest down below; he finally made it to Aurora and Phillip's kingdom. "Hold on to your hats, boys! Things are gonna get a little bumpy!" With a whip of the reins, the chariot took a nosedive down towards the forest with Pain and Panic screaming and clinging onto the chariot walls all the while.

Hades sped through the trees and greenery of the forest, determined to speak to his love and hopefully propose to her. As he rode through, the animals and birds of the forest scurried out of his way, hoping and praying not to be run over or get hurt. Then finally, he made it to his destination.

"Whoa, Gotham! Whoa!" Hades shouted, pulling the reins to stop.

The dragon shrieked and stopped and the chariot screeched to a halt, leaving massive skid marks in the dirt behind it. Hades casually stepped out while Pain and Panic stumbled out and collapsed onto the grass beneath them, relieved and grateful to be back on solid ground. Hades rolled his eyes as he watched his minions kiss and caress the grass.

"Wimps." He muttered before he noticed Gotham started acting strange. The dragon sniffed the air around him, then he started rearing up, backing away, and screeching like a spooked horse. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy, Gotham! Take it easy!" Hades quickly went over to his monstrous steed and stroked his face to calm him down.

Gotham huffed, scratched the ground with his front claw, and narrowed his glowing eyes at the house as if he knew something was wrong. Pain and Panic also noticed the creature's behavior and started to grow suspicious.

"Uh, boss? Maybe the Fates had a point." Pain nervously said.

"Yeah, something's off." Panic added.

"You guys are against me, too? Ugh, I don't have to deal with this." Hades groaned in frustration before approaching the door.

The pair of minions then took Gotham by the reins and led him and the chariot closer to the trees and jumped back into the chariot to watch from a distance. Hades was about to knock until he realized the doors were completely covered in vines; he hadn't noticed those the last time he was there, even if he broke in through the back. So he reached out and started ripping handful after handful of vines off of the wooden doors until he was finally done. Then he knocked on the door, but there was no answer. He knocked again, only to realize that the door had slightly opened. He peeked in through the crack to see if he could make anything out.

"Come in." A female voice said from inside.

Taking a deep breath, Hades smoothed out his hair, opened the door, and stepped inside, eager to see Maleficent.

"Maleficent? It's me, Hades. I got your letter. You said you wanted to talk?" He called out as he walked further inside before the doors suddenly slammed shut behind him, making the room pitch black. His flames for hair and his Ember were the only light available. "Uh, excuse me. We did not order a poltergeist."

But before he knew it, Hades was suddenly pounced upon by three large figures and they seemed to be attacking him. He cried out in surprise as he struggled to get his aggressors off of him. He tried blasting fireballs at them, but he somehow missed every time.

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