Persephone's Monstrous Assault

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After a bit of travel, the golden chariot stopped over a familiar patch of the sea; the edge of Scylla and Charybdis. Another chariot was waiting for them; this one was pink and golden and was being pulled by massive yellow and white moths... and Persephone and Hecate were driving it. The two women turned to see the chariot of monsters flying towards them.

"There you are." Persephone said.

"Did you get him?" Hecate asked.

Lamia reached down and picked up Hades by his shirt; he was still sound asleep. The Goddess in pink smiled a sadistic smile.

"Perfect." She turned to the rocks in the water below and took out her golden flute. She played a short tune and three female figures rose up from beneath the waves. Persephone smiled down at the trio of fish-like creatures. "Sisters! Beautiful, magical sirens! Look at you in your squalid ocean prison! Who put you down there?!"

"The Gods!" The Sirens cried in unison; they shrieked and made waves with their arms and fins.

"That's right!" She nodded at Hecate, who waved her hands and sent a blast of magic down to the Sirens. The magic surrounding them allowed the invisible cursed chains trapping them to break free. "And now that I set you free, what is the first thing you're going to do?!"

"Destroy them!" The Sirens screeched as they transformed into three beautiful women with massive white wings sprouting from their backs.

"Good answer."

With a smirk, Persephone played a few notes on her flute and was enough to make the three Sirens spread their wings and fly up to the two chariots, officially joining the group. And with one final note from the golden instrument, Persephone, Hecate, and their monsters flew off in the direction of Mt. Olympus. Up on Olympus, the enormous meeting of the Gods Zeus had set up was about to start and every God and Goddess in attendance was all gathered in the Pantheon. Zeus was sitting on his throne next to Hera and Hercules.

"Now I understand how unsure and frustrated you all must be right now, and I certainly don't blame you." The King of the Gods began. "But there's an issue of utmost importance that we need to address immediately."

"Yes. Like how your youngest brother chose a complete stranger to be his bride?" Rhea chimed in.

"Mother, don't!" Poseidon hissed.

"Well, Hades seemed to know this "stranger" quite well. And they seemed very happy together throughout the evening." Hera replied.

"Then why did she run away from him at around midnight, hm? Would someone care to enlighten me?" Rhea asked no one in particular.

"Hey, we're all just as confused about this as you, okay?" Ares retorted. "Why do you care so much about who Hades likes? Huh?"

"You know, Ares makes a valid point... for once." Athena said. "At the ball, Hades was bored out of his mind until that woman showed up. I don't think any of us have ever seen him so happy before."

Most of the other Gods around Athena nodded their heads and agreed.

"And did you see the way he was dancing with her?" Hermes asked.

"Yeah, what he did out there was amazing. And I heard Hades had sworn off dancing centuries ago, especially after he participated in that dance contest a while ago." Harmonia, the Goddess of Harmony and Concord, added.

"But why did he choose HER? And not me?" Eris added with a pout.

"Or me?" Lyssa added.

"Or us?" Leuke and Minthe chimed in.

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