Hidden Scars

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As they walked through the dark forest back to the Forbidden Mountain, Hades and Maleficent didn't dare say a word to one another; they let their own emotions get the better of them and they practically screamed at each other. Maleficent hated that Hades violated her family's privacy and was snooping through her father's things and Hades thought Maleficent and her father knew something and he believed she was lying about it. So they were both on their guard, anticipating for the other to pounce and not even daring to start a new conversation. They even stayed silent as Hades carried Maleficent across the river a second time.

But when they got closer to the Forbidden Mountain, they realized something; the entrance of Maleficent's castle was swarming with guards and knights from Aurora and Phillip's palace and they were led by the former kings, Stefan and Hubert. Thinking fast, Maleficent pulled Hades into the bushes so that they wouldn't be seen.

"What the heck is going on here?" He asked before she shushed him.

"Shh! They're talking." She hissed.

"I don't know, Stefan." Hubert said. "We searched every inch of the kingdom for several days and that Hades fellow is nowhere in sight. I'm starting to believe this is a lost cause."

'They've been searching for me?' Hades thought.

"Hubert, we still don't know what this 'Lord of All Evil' is truly capable of." Stefan gently argued. "We must find him and subdue him before he does something truly diabolical, like taking Maleficent's place... or even bringing her back."

"Lord of All Evil?" Maleficent whispered, raising an eyebrow at Hades.

"Eh... long story." He said awkwardly. "There has to be a way to get rid of those guys."

"But how?"

"You know, I heard stories about the Forbidden Mountain being haunted by Maleficent's ghost." One man commented.

"What? Come now, Duke. Surely you don't believe in such silly rumors." Hubert scoffed, trying to be the voice of reason.

"But what if it's true?" Stefan chimed in, sounding anxious. "What if this palace truly is possessed?"

"Stefan, don't be like that. You know ghosts don't exist. Fairies and dragons, yes. But ghosts? Ha! Nothing but superstition."

Then Hades' face lit up as he got an idea. He smirked and turned to his friend. "I think I know how to scare them off. But the real question is... are you willing to do it my way?"

Maleficent gave him a curious look, wondering what he could mean; he pulled her closer to him and whispered his idea into her ear, a sinister smile slowly creeping onto her lips as she listened. A few other knights exited the castle and shrugged at Hubert and Stefan.

"Nothing at all?" Hubert asked.

"Nothing." The head guard replied.

"Well, there must be something we missed." Stefan said. "Leave no stone unturned. We must find something to—"

"Who invades my castle?!" A new voice boomed.

Stefan, Hubert, and the knights all jumped at the sound when wisps of bright green flames erupted from the castle windows and the silhouette of a large dragon appeared, frightening the group of men. They backed away, practically shaking.

"Do you dare to enter the domain of the Mistress of All Evil?!" The voice shouted. "This castle belongs to me, and no one else!"

"It's the monster's ghost! I knew it!" Duke cried.

"The castle IS haunted!" One knight shouted.

"Men! Ready your weapons!" Stefan commanded.

"Fire at will!" Hubert exclaimed.

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