An Evil Happily Ever After

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The couple parted and gazed into each other's eyes.

"You're alive! You're alive!" He cried out with a big excited smile on his face. "You're back! I-I can't believe it!"

"Oh how I've missed you, Hades. And I'm so sorry." Maleficent said as she sat up in bed. "I'm sorry for running off. I was just... afraid to face you after..."

"Hey, don't you dare apologize for anything. I get it. I was afraid, too." He took her hands in his own and looked her dead in the eye. "But none of that matters right now. You're okay and that is all that matters. When I heard about Persephone and the curse and the poison, I was terrified. I thought I lost you forever."

"That... is never going to happen." She reached out and placed a hand on his cheek, using her thumb to wipe away a tear. "Speaking of Persephone... what happened?"

"If I told you, you'd probably think I'm crazy."

"You already know I believe nothing of the sort."

He chuckled and blushed as he helped her out of bed. "Well to make a long story short, Persephone hired a bunch of monsters to kidnap me and take Olympus for herself. And she wanted to marry me by force, but now she's stopped and I'm hoping she'll never bother us again."

"You bet she won't." Merryweather said as she transformed back into her original size.

Maleficent stared at the little fairy with wide eyes, not expecting to see her. She was about to grab her scepter when Hades stopped her.

"It's okay. She and her sisters are the ones who convinced me to come here and save you." He said.

"...But why?" Maleficent asked, raising a confused eyebrow.

"Because no one, not even you, deserves a fate as terrible as that, even if we're enemies." Merryweather replied. "And Aurora and Phillip even looked after you while Flora, Fauna, and I went out to fetch you know who." She gently nudged Hades with her elbow; he gave her a smirk.

Diablo flew over to his mistress and landed on her shoulder before affectionately stroking her cheek, overjoyed to see her alive and well. Maleficent chuckled and nuzzled her beloved bird before she felt something brush up against her; she looked down to see Crackle rubbing his face against her robes. Merryweather giggled and patted his head affectionately while Maleficent gave a confused look. That was when she noticed the bandage wrapped around her hand. She carefully removed it and saw that her hand was completely healed. No black veins and no blood, just a thin, barely visible scar running across her palm. She turned back to Hades.

"Looks like the poison's gone for good." He said before he paused and reached into his chiton. After a moment, he then took out Maleficent's lost shoe. He smirked. "I believe this is yours."

"My shoe?" She asked.

"Yeah. You dropped it while leaving Olympus. Here, allow me."

He then knelt down in front of her and carefully placed her shoe back on to her foot; Maleficent blushed as Hades stood back up, gently pushing a lock of her luscious black hair behind her ear. They smiled at each other and touched foreheads as Merryweather watched with a beaming smile. Even though Hades and Maleficent were both evil to the core, she quickly realized that they made a very cute couple and they truly were in love. She then reached into her cloak and took out a little black velvet box. She gently tugged on Hades' chiton to get his attention. He glowered at her for ruining the moment, but then she offered him the box.

"I believe you dropped this back at the house." She said.

"Oh... thanks." He said as he took the box; Merryweather then took her leave with Crackle at her side to give them some privacy. Hades turned back to Maleficent and awkwardly cleared his throat. "Uh, Maleficent? I'm sure this probably isn't the best time, but... there's something you should know."

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