More Surprises

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"What on Earth...?" Maleficent asked.

"Geez, Hades! There you are!" Thanatos said, exiting the chariot and approaching the pair. "Where have you been?! I've been looking all over for you! I practically spent the whole night trying to find you and..." He turned to look at Maleficent and he raised an eyebrow. "...Was I interrupting something?"

"Uh, yes. Yes, you were." Hades said, furrowing his brow and making a very annoyed grimace at the winged God of Death.

"You know him?" The dark fairy asked, turning to Hades.

"Who is THIS?" Thanatos asked. "...Is this why I haven't seen you lately? This is what you've been doing? Sneaking out to see someone?"

"What?! I was NOT sneaking!"

"Really, Hades. I demand an explanation."

"Ugh! Okay, okay! Fine. I might as well introduce you now." Hades yelled in exasperation. "Maleficent, Thanatos. Thanatos, Maleficent. There, happy?"

"Maleficent. That's... quite the name." Thanatos said, sounding impressed.

"Thank you. And judging by your cloak and scythe, I can only assume that you are... the Grim Reaper, of a sort." Maleficent said, scratching her chin in thought. "And you aren't here to collect, are you?"

"First of all, the Grim Reaper is actually my main nickname. Second, I'm not here to collect any souls. I'm off duty." The winged god replied. "And third, I'm the God of Death and I work for you know who over here. And where I'm from, whatever Lord Hothead says goes." Thanatos and Maleficent shared a quick laugh while Hades smirked in both amusement and embarrassment.

"Real funny. You've been taking name calling lessons from Zeus or something lately?" Hades joked, rolling his eyes.

"Hey, don't be like that. You know I don't mean it." Thanatos then wrapped an arm around Hades' shoulder and smiled; he smiled back. They then started to perform an unusual handshake, which included slapping their hands up and down and side to side and ending with them bumping their fists together.

"I missed you, man."

"Missed you, too."

"But... what are you doing here anyway?"

"Oh, right! Right, I almost forgot. Hades, I was sent by the Fates to find you and bring you back to the Underworld. The other Gods and Goddesses down there have just arranged an important meeting and you have to be there."

"I do? Oh, great. Just what I needed."

Thanatos chuckled. "I can honestly say I have really missed your sarcasm."

Hades scoffed and turned to Maleficent. "Sorry, looks like our lessons have to be cut short. I gotta go. Oh! But before I do..." He reached into his shirt and pulled out the box he snatched up and handed it to her; she reluctantly took it. "I kinda saw how you were looking at this earlier. Was it your mom's or something?"

"...It was." She said before slowly opening the box. It was filled with all sorts of necklaces, bracelets, rings, and even earrings in gold, silver, various precious metals, and different kinds of jewels and stones.

Hades gave a quick whistle. "That's quite the collection."

"Yes. My mother warned me that if I ever dared to touch her jewelry box then I would unleash a dreadful curse upon the world. Only now do I realize it was all a lie." She closed the box.

"Yeesh. I guess she really didn't want you touching her stuff."

"I suppose... Thank you. Oh! Before I forget, I have something for you as well. Diablo!"

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