Personal Invitation

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"Good." Hades said with a smile; he took a look at the guest list again. "Then in that case, we're gonna need to make some changes. Starting with THIS." He snatched the quill pen from Hermes, took a closer look at the list, crossed something off, and wrote down something else instead. "There, done." He handed the list back to Hermes. "You haven't given out invitations yet, have you?"

"Nope. I was just waiting for you to give the okay to do so." The messenger God said.

"Okay, then. But before you do, I'm gonna need one of those invites. I wanna make sure my star guest gets it delivered personally."

'And I'm sure nobody wants a repeat of what happened the last time she wasn't invited to a party.' Hades thought.

"Uh... sure." Hermes then took out a scroll out of a large bag sitting nearby and gave it to Hades.

"Thank you. Oh, Zeus. Before I forget, the reason I came up here in the first place is because I need to talk to Phantasos."

"Phantasos? Why?" Zeus asked.

"Well uh, let's just say... it's urgent."

"I see."

"Tada!" A new voice sang.

The collected deities turned their heads to see a man with sky blue skin, wavy silver hair, and wearing purple clothes that resembled pajamas walking towards them. It was Phantasos and he was walking with his older brother, the God of Sleep Morpheus.

"Someone talking about me?" Phantasos asked.

"How'd you guess?" Meg dryly asked.

"My ears were burning. Now, uh, what's going on?"

"Ah yes, Phantasos! Good to see you!" Hades said. "I need to talk to you."

"About what?"

"It's... kind of important. What do you say we go somewhere else? For privacy reasons."

"Uh okay, sure."


Hades quickly meandered over to the God of Dreams and quickly took him to another corner of the Pantheon to talk in private. "So Phantasos, buddy, pal. Can I call you pal? Look, I know you and I haven't really talked much just one on one, but... I need to ask you something important. Have you been making any scary dreams lately? Like REALLY scary? With fire and blood and gore and stuff like that?"

"What? No." Phantasos answered before raising an eyebrow. "...Why?"

"Well, uh it's just... I have this friend who's been having some really vivid nightmares recently. It's been happening every night for a whole month, she's really freaking out, and she has no idea what's going on. You wouldn't have anything to do with that, would you?"

"Sorry Hades, but I have no idea what you're talking about. I've been making dreams and keeping track of every single one of them for the past few millennia and I don't think I know anything about any super horrific dreams or this friend of yours. Who is she anyway?"

"Uh... just someone I know."

"...Okay then."

"Hey, Phantasos! Hope to see you at the ball." Hermes quickly said as he handed a scroll to the God of Dreams.

He unfurled the scroll and skimmed it before turning back to Hades. "This ball is for you?"

"Yep, for my birthday. Zeus said I have to find myself a bride that night, too." Hades sighed.

"Like speed dating? Sheesh. That's rough, buddy."

"I know. So... the dreams?"

"Like I said, Hades, I don't know." Phantasos said with a shrug.

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