Keep Away

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"What is going on out here?!" Persephone shrieked, stomping her foot on the floor.

"Uh... nothing?" Hermes said, trying to sound innocent.

Persephone pinched the bridge of her nose and groaned. "What could you all possibly be trying to do this time?"

"We're not trying to do anything." Pain innocently said as he and Panic stepped forward; they each had a bunch of food in their arms. "We're just having a decent night."

"By running around, throwing food and weapons at each other, and screaming like a bunch of banshees?!" The Goddess shouted.

Panic laughed. "Oh, Persephone. A banshee screams like this." As if on cue, Pain and Panic started screaming very loudly. After a few moments of this, Persephone violently grabbed Pain and Panic's mouths to shut them up, making them drop their food in the process.

"I get it." She said through gritted teeth; she turned to Euryale and Stheno. "Hold them down."

They did just that; the two sisters came from behind and held the pair of imps tight. Persephone folded her arms across her chest and looked out at the rest of the Pantheon with a stern expression.

"Now would someone care to explain to me what's happening?" She asked before she noticed a few people missing. "Hey, wait. Where are Coloratura, Allegra, and Sonata?"

"Mistress, mistress!" A trio of voices called out.

Persephone turned her attention away from the imps and saw the Sirens flying towards her with Hades in their embrace; he was straining and struggling to get free. They stopped right next to Stheno and Pain, Panic, Dementia, and Margalo gasped.

"Look who we found trying to escape." Allegra, the turquoise Siren, said as she tossed the Helm of Darkness to the side.

"He nearly made it out to the gates, but we caught him." Sonata, the orchid colored Siren, chimed in as she tossed away the Bident.

"We don't know how he got out of his cell, but he's alone now. He won't be a problem." Coloratura added.

"They got the boss!?" Panic cried.

"Margalo, why didn't you tell us the Sirens got away?!" Pain asked.

"Oh. Because I wanted us to fail... OBVIOUSLY I DIDN'T KNOW!!" Margalo screamed in frustration.

"Margalo?" Persephone turned her head to see the little Goddess with Dementia; she narrowed her eyes at the girl. "So you were in on this, too?"

"Uh, um..." Margalo stuttered.

"Leave the kid alone." Hades said.

A hard punch in the stomach was the response he got. "I don't recall asking YOU to speak." Then she noticed him rolling his eyes as he was catching his breath. "What?"

Hades sighed. "Well this is usually the time you get mad and start screaming at me for running away. And that if I don't stop, it'll be really bad and I should consider the consequences of my actions because you're so smart and I'm so dumb. And blah, blah, blah!" He received another hard punch to the gut.

"Quiet!" She spat. "You know, this all could've been avoided if you just obeyed me like a good husband should. But this changes nothing." She violently grabbed the collar of Hades' shirt and pulled him closer to her until their noses were touching. "You and I WILL be married and I WILL rule the cosmos! And there you'll be by my side as my little lap dog, your constant praise and adoration driving me to even greater heights, until there isn't an inch of the universe that hasn't been transformed or fixed by ME!"

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